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Thread: FAs Latency Suggestions - Extra Schedule slots - Reserved Seats

  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    FAs Latency Suggestions - Extra Schedule slots - Reserved Seats

    Here 2 points regarding the latency issues thatw e are constantly having in FAs, that "could have been caused by":

    -The fact that the FA matches only have like 10-11 slots to be played (every 2 hours during the day) so the server is "overcharged"

    -and the Supporting connection between across matches,

    So here we could try few things like;

    -Allow more slots where to set the FA hour to play, not only per hour but even every :30 mins so matches would be better distributed.

    Redesign the auto support across all matches and;
    - we could add directly the % to both teams, so set the bonus directly to a Max. maybe, we could give a +5% by default Adv. to the local team coming from tickets, so give directly local 15-visitor 10 considering that this direct 10% comes from the RESERVED SEATS of our team mates.

    -We could extend the 15% allowing more % and always having, the 2% of every FA member already, 5+8 if Home/we attend + 10= 23% and away would be the 10% coming from the RESERVED SEATS of the buddies too and + 8 if we join.

    -Could exist the option to "train this support" like a "promotion excercise"? so members usually share bonuses, so like a "push here" and you will add your 2% for all in this RESERVED SEAT. So like a minimal required excercise to show that u are present.

    And this basically would unlink the 4-6 matches allowing more flexibility, and could resolve the latency issues.
    Last edited by khris; 04-24-2020 at 08:04 PM.