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  • 1 Post By HRHroyale

Thread: World cup - top eleven federation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    World cup - top eleven federation

    An inarguably statement for it to be regard as the most prestigious tournament in the universe when every single nation will wish to win or for some maybe to qualified in the final round of the tournament would meant the nation just had its indipendent status for the second time.

    It is about time for Top Eleven to have its own World Cup as the mother of all tournament to top the 10th anniversary celebrations. Top Eleven sould have in its schedule.

    It can be a nation level tournament or a club level championship or both but only to be held for final round competition on every 4th season or 4 month. Thus making it as a tournament that all managers are waiting for.

    The effort made by Mr.Khris Payet to form a Federation of Managers Association base on the participating manager's country of origin has already developed the foundation to established such complexity of qualifying stages in a challenging competitions that no other games developer in the world would dare to form.

    Lets do it one step at a time.
    1st all participating nation should form its own virtual national football federation and select the team/ managers to represent the nation. ( let it be a small and short competition to select the best team or just a selection made by the board of its national community )

    2. To form A confiderations body attended by nominated manager from each national football federation to organize the regional and continent competition for pre qualifying round of the tournament.

    3. Each nations, regional and continent has a different numbers of team allotment to qualify for the final round. The allotment given to each continent are base on the numbers of competing team at itsegional and continent qualifying round just to give a balance chances for team that came from most numbers of participate teams and the least number of participating team in its continent level.

    I guess the game administrators has the whole picture on the idea im trying to explain and i bet you guys are able to take it from here and turn it to be a better tournament with a well balance participated team for the final round of the competition.
    T.R.K likes this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Well, before we created the federations, we played other different comps here in the forum, one was a World Cup with 4 continental playoffs and the best 4 managers played in the wc final round, having the winner the most exclusive emblem of top eleven. Ofc. In some months we could manage a realistic world cup using the federations, for now but, we will keep the planning regarding the Nations League.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Yes !! I am totally agreed with the idea.
    It need to start at some point to form a basic foundation before we could proceed to the next level of competitive tournament.

    The competition within this forum will help the administration team to justify and rectify the advantages and challenges when it goes out online on a open stage.

    As at this point i just wish , there will be a frequent updates on match result and some match highlights videos for others to share the excitement of the tournament.

    All the best to the administration team who organize the up coming in forum tournament and good luck to all participated team.