Here I will leave my idea, I hope you'll like it and most importantly, I hope to see it in the game

As you might already know, in other games we have a type of ranking system, you can find it as Competitive (CSGO), Ranked(R6,RL) etc.
The main idea behind it is a new competition, but this one would be the "serious one" . Apart from the same and same, boring up to repetetive competitions, this would be optional.

In the beginning of the season, you play 10 placement matches, to get your rank/division. Think this like the events, like the haunted cup we had recently.
You get a rank which will depend on WL and GD. An example of ranks could be: Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion.

Then, when you want, you can play matches to get more XP, in order to advance to higher ranks/divisions. Of course on those matches, you'll be playing with people around your XP/points. Loss----> loss of points

At the end of the season, you get a prize/reward accordingly to your division. Higher division---> better reward. I don't know what this could be. Tokens? Packs? An exclusive emblem/jersey? A player?

This, I think, will improve the competitiveness around the game, which is lacking right now, in my opinion.