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Thread: I know i complain a lot but is anyone listening?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Do you know what I would like to know how in the world a team grows by 3% in a few hours? I have a match in CL the team I will face tonight began yesterday at 130% then today suddenly after a few hours it's 133.9 % it's mind-boggling. This is troublesome I cannot get my team to grow by .5% in a day and that's training like mad and have to spend a lot of greens to refuel the players. These people must have a lot of tokens and boosters on hand because otherwise, it's not possible. Obviously, I will, as usual, lose this game I am already resigned to getting booted out of CL but maybe it stands the reason why even go ahead, I have seen other teams that I would encounter are way stronger so it isn't now it will be ina few days, It may as well be today at least I will have to spend fewer resources if I only have to play in the league, in fact, I'm thinking about putting all my lesser players and just lose anyway what's the purpose otherwise.
    Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 06-04-2023 at 12:50 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    I'm also stuck in 6th position, and I see this absurdity of final passing errors, dizzy players on the field, who spin in front of goal instead of kicking... Players missing goals that not even a wheelchair user would miss, amazing. If players' stats and skills aren't worth it, what's worth besides injecting money into the game? Competitive competitions okay, they're great, you strive to do your best but... Competitions where there are rivals 20, 30, 50% stronger, are ridiculous and demotivating.

    I was 3rd in the Champions League group, I fell to the Super League and my rival is 30% stronger than me. Cool huh?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Do you know what I find ridiculous is a team that is 132% then suddenly it's 137% then it's 139% in one day? How do these jokers do it? I'll have to start going to look into their subs and reserves because they either hide the players or they just have a lot of tokens and boosters that they can just train the team constantly and recharge the players then do it again and again. It's mind-boggling really. First, you think you have a chance when the team you face is 2 or 3% stronger then suddenly it's almost 10%? You know what they ought to put a block on a team after a full training session for a number of hours before a match of the same competition. These tactics are insane. How does a real team increase its quality in one day that much? I'm getting sick and tired of this crap. It's dishonest but they love that way. You know it's our fault. If all the unhappy managers quit this stupid game maybe they would start making some real fair changes
    vinim likes this.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    I agree 100%

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    You are going to love this one, I played kept the team at 0-0 until the 82' minute when they give them an unexistent foul at the box line, and guess what? it's 0-1 then my team manages to do a superb counter the man is alone before the goalie instead of dribbling around him like they do many times he shoots directly in the arms of the goalie as if he basically passed it to him. UNREAL! I have no words! No fairness in this game at all, the algorithms are screwed up there is not fair play. Funny how it NEVER seems to happen in my favor, I wo der why. I'm starting to think the more we complain the more they spite us.
    Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 06-06-2023 at 01:36 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    sensational. Situations like this also happen to me. It makes a lot of anger. I'm sure they hurt us a little more with every FAIR complaint we make here.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    so guess what? even today playing at home against a team 5% weaker lost 3-4 with a goal in the last minutes of the game this is already the second game in three this happens. then if you count the two finals CL and Super League last season lost by one goal in the same fashion. This is theft and fraud, it's a conspiracy against certain managers. It cannot be that this happens 9 times out of 10, those are odds that are not casual. I am furious! By the way, did you see the survey they sent? It seems that they are considering some of the things we talked about. Yet they will mean little if we are never in the position to achieve the rewards, It will be useless for me, and if they give 50 tokens to the first four if you and I always arrive under 4th place and they can obviously make sure of that as you can clearly see. Even with these new reward systems, it will always be the same people who will get them and they will get stronger and we will stay there complaining on here as we are now. Unless they truly bud out of programming results this will never go well. My season in the league is already set in stone I will fluctuate between 6th and 8th place they are not allowing me to progress it is obvious. Even in today's game, I looked at the previous matches this team played to see the formations of the teams that won against it. One of them won 5-1 I employed the same formation with similar tactics I think and lost 4-3, so how can one team win 5-1 away and I with the same formation lose 4-3 at home? It's virtually impossible unless the internal programming overrides the formations and tactics and still causes you to lose. I.m so pissed off at all this. If they solely program the computer to give statistical outcomes it would be fairer but it is evident that they manipulate the outcome on another basis other than pure statistics. The algorithms are manipulated, I am telling you for some reason me and you are targeted to do poorly and there is nothing we can do to overcome this, no amount of money, training, formations and tactics and resources will make us do better than what they allow.
    Last edited by MARCO CAIA; 06-07-2023 at 08:29 PM. Reason: addtional information I wanted to share I forgot

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    When I saw the quiz I remembered you but it seems to me that it was only about the Special Sponsor rewards, which is ridiculous. Pay, pay more for more perks but you can pick one of the **** we'll give you if you pay us even more. Cool huh?! Ridiculous all of this. I tied it with a much weaker team, with a 180% striker, almost 400 finishing, one on one scorer, kicking EVERY chance he had out. What's the chance? 0% shooting being 40% better than their defense

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    It's mind-boggling really, as I said it's something other than skills, training, and plain statistics. As I said for some strange reason they must have flagged our teams to do poorly. In real competitions we are programmed to win the obvious matches and lose many of the close ones, most of them really. If we only win the obvious but lose 9 out of 10 close ones and decisive games we will get nowhere fast. In fact, that is exactly where we are. In regard to the survey it was not only about special sponsor it also had to do with token rewards for placing top 4 and winning in the various cup competitions. I really wish they would give us the opportunity to exchange money for resources and to restructure the league competition to have the top 4 only promote and not lose 20% of the last 4 to relegate and the rest stay at the same level until they promote. This is the fairer way and it also would be much more motivating for managers. People would no longer have to tank their teams and have more chances to improve their team to do better next season without counting that all teams would have more and better chances to remain competitive season after season. I also believe that Nordeus would not lose money but actually make more money especially if they make things more affordable for all categories of resources.

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