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Thread: Player academy/ not youth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Player academy/ not youth

    My ongoing complaint with this game, well actually those who run it, is besides fixing outcomes, WHAT IS UP WITH THE PRICES in Player Academy?

    I mean, first of all, ALL the pricing, ALL OF IT, being in real money and resources are way too high. 9.99 US dollars to train ONE PLAYER for one day? Really?
    The other coaches in there basically are also useless because besides being expensive they are TOO LONG PERIODS. I place a player in there for the amount of days allotted and I get him back almost at the end of the season, then I lose 20% at the end of the season when and if I promote. HOW IS THIS FAIR? You spend either 10 dollars or a lot of resources that end up translating into tokens and usually real money as well and have a player out of service for weeks and then lose 20% of what you invested shortly after. Does this make any sense at all? It does if you are ripping people off like they do. This is very unfair and sad at the same time. I would like to know, I wish I could get an answer from the game creators and financial deciders. Let me ask it anyway even though I probably will not get a reasonable answer.So, WOULD IT BE BETTER TO HAVE VERY AFFORDABLE PRICES S THAT YOU HAVE MANY MORE MANAGERS INVESTING OR VERY UNREASONABLE AND EXPENSIVE PRICING AS IT IS NOW AND LOSE THE POSSIBILITY TO HAVE MANY MORE INVESTORS IN THE GAME?

    You go for quantity rather than greed! If you price high you may, as an example get 1000 players to invest if you reduced the pricing to half you may get 5000. Which one of these two options do you think would give you more income? 1000X10 DOLLARS= 10000 DOLLARS. 5000X3.99= 20000 DOLLARS. Math is not an opinion, greed will end up backfiring on you all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    hey marco! Draw frenzy! Complain about this S*H*I*T that makes those who have millions of tokens get absurd coaches, hide players and stay in competitions against opponents 40, 50% weaker! Complain about that C*R*A*P too. We can only complain about this game, these greedy developers, and even these moderators who don't even serve to take the complaints to those who can actually do something in the game. 6 times i'v played draw frenzy, 6 times red card on 2° round. With 2 accounts. It's easier win a lottery

    Stick all that money in your A.S.S. , idiots
    Last edited by vinim; 06-19-2023 at 08:04 PM.
    MARCO CAIA likes this.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2022
    Hey partner in Tope Eleven misfortune, I hope you are having a good day so far, So I wanted tot give you the rundown of my season so far. In the Cup competition I got passed the first stage easily, of course, that's what happens when you have a stronger team. Now I am facing still a beatable opponent in the next stage so we will see how that goes. I have not had very good fortune in this particular competition I have reached the semifinals and finals which of course I lost all of them. In the CL in the group, I had a small miracle occurring, I beat a team much stronger than mine for a change, it is a very rare occasion for me, probably one in 100 games but I do get beat a lot by weaker teams strangely, well, we know what's going on here. It's only the dodos like that guy up here that think that all you have to do are all the right things and you will have success, we know our success is very limited by the internal decisions of the computer's algorithms. Of course, we know that if we do not do any of the right things it will always go badly but we also know that doing all the right things and being at peak performance is never enough, in fact, it is too often not enough even as the stupid assistant says when you lose. This brings me to the next competition, the LEAGUE now here things get complicated because almost all the teams but two or three are all stronger than mine, the sad thing is that they always stick me in these difficult leagues, and thus far I have not won an opening game in the leagues since I won the last time which is 3 seasons ago. Last month surprisingly I managed to squeeze a third place, I still cannot believe it because I had a very bad start and lost a lot of games. This season though is much harder. I have a lot of young but not very highly skilled players, I was thinking of not worrying too much about the results but making the young less skilled players play a lot more this way even if I place in the mid-standings I may actually get a better shot at getting into an easier league and have fewer games to play. Not qualifying for the CL helps although then you get thrown into the Super League but even there there ends up being a lot of stronger teams and get eliminated quicker. I need to do things differently because I have a great lack of tokens and I am not buying them because I have to stop spending too much real money in this game. This brings me to the next point, the free token games on here. I had some very good results with some of the games but awful rip-offs with others, a lot of these games pay you tokens up to a point then they stop and you have to go through support, especially in the Fyber one they are awful. Almost every time I reached the game level at some point in the game they did not pay anymore and the support never resolves the situation and you end up getting nothing. So there is another waste of my time and never get promised tokens then they never give you a reason as to why you did not get paid. I get some games and pay the promised tokens immediately after I reach the level then suddenly nothing more and then I have to wait days, or weeks to get the situation resolved and get my tokens, and a lot of the time I do not when I go through support. They need to BOOT out the games that do not pay. Then support says they cannot pay you unless the offer gets validated by the game, that's bull. They could reward you directly if they have done it before, if they see you complied and reached the level there is no reason why you have to wait up to 60 days to get the tokens and often not get them. There has to be a better way for Nordeus to give you free tokens...this season if I win a league game I get one token, well my friend, I'll be getting very few tokens because the teams this season are too strong and I have the feeling that my team without injections of real money will not grow much

  4. #4
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    Jan 2023
    It's complicated. My opponents in the league and the cup are pretty much the same, I always face 4 or 5 much stronger teams in the league. 5% you can even face, 20, 30% stronger no, impossible. And like you said, it seems like they force us to lose games to weaker teams just because we're complaining about their inability to make a fairer, more entertaining game. About the free tokens, I don't even try because the one time I tried, I didn't get it even though I met the requirements.

  5. #5
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    Oct 2022
    Hi there companion of Top Eleven misfortune, how goes the battle? Well, I have a really good story for you and the dodos that still think it's all training and preparation and being a better manager. Top Eleven this time topped itself this time, It was so incredible I couldn't even get angry, today Nordeus finally completely shattered every and any hope in thinking that there is even a shred of fairness and reality in this game. I played a game against a team that was 125% against 119.5 % mine. Now the difference is not great and the hope of winning was good, playing away though often puts you at a disadvantage but I have won some games away against slightly stronger teams, so I was hopeful. I prepared as best I could, had all my best players, a 40% training bonus, 99% rested, and morale superb with the striker on fire. I tried to find the right formation as close as possible to the counter because a lot of people play with odd formations that even do not exist in the counter formation lists so it's hard to find the right formation and tactics, however, it was as close as I could get. So I keep them at a 1-0 for them until the 87' when my MC ties the game. Oh, before I forget his form was W-D-W-D-W-D so usually you can, not always, but often predict the result of the game by looking at the form. I'm thinking positive ( TODAY I LEARNED NEVER DO IN TOP ELEVEN), anyway, I'm thinking a L sits right for him at this point but since it seems that he draws a lot I would be happy with a 1-1 result.
    Now mind you it's almost the end of the game, 87' 1-1, right? So the clock strikes 89' I'm thinking come one clock end, but no...get this, a long pass from their box to their player lonely one on one player, perfect long pass on his feet, steps in the box fires and it's 2-1 and the match ends right there. Now I'm like frozen, dumbfounded really. I could not believe what I just saw. It was surreal. So this is what I learned from this experience. Number one I will continue to train and prepare but from this time forward I will no longer focus on wins, I cannot because it's really pointless to try to hope to win in this game. I will play my young weaker players as well regularly and see what happens, I now realize that the end result is better acceptable when you do not strive to get it. Second I learned that my team, as well as yours, and I am sure many others as well are destined to be the victims in this game. This is the evidence at this point because the averages do not lie. They lie when you confront them in support, but the results and the evidence are what tell the story, when all the odds are 95% going the other way in decisive games and moments it's purposeful and planned there is no way anyone can tell me otherwise. The positive thing about this last loss is that at least the computer changed methods, instead of losing on a free kick at the last minute, happened often by the way, it changed it to a long pass. The end is the same though and that is the evidence. So if I decide to keep playing I better just celebrate the wins when I get them by simply expecting to lose every game. Period. This really took all the wind out of my sails and it gave me the final evidence that teams like ours are simply here to be beaten as much as possible. Good day
    vinim likes this.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2023
    Marco, in almost every game I've had players come off injured. Almost everyone. I've spent more than 100 red briefcases. What day of the season are we really, 5th or 6th?

  7. #7
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    Oct 2022
    I think 4th actually, yes today was the 4th day I lost two and won two, and yes I agree, many more injuries this season in all competitions. It is adorable what these people do, they claim that if you improve the pitch quality of your stadium and improve your medical facilities it cuts down on your injuries and the severity of them, what a crock, they lie just about everything. Playstyle of players half of them do not work at all I believe, the GK ones definitely do not work at all. The others it is debatable. The GK I established today is basically useless in certain functions, they never come out to anticipate the players, if my GK would have come out to meet the ball today I may have had a tie instead of a defeat but they just often just sit there and wait until the inevitable happens. I really think it's all a farce designed to give the impression that it works on averages algorithms, not os, it works on computer manipulation of outcomes.
    vinim likes this.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2022
    you are going to love this, I sent a complaint about teams that are too strong in competitions and this is the answer I got Thank you for contacting us about an opponent in your Cup Match. Please note that the presence of higher-quality opponents represents an opportunity to learn, adapt and grow as a Manager.

    Let me pause the comment then I will get back to the rest of it, what she is saying here is, you need to read between the lines, the presence of a higher quality opponent represents the opportunity to have to spend money in order to get your team to be better, I cannot understand what it is that I must learn. how to lose graciously, 10-0? adapt? To what exactly? Adapt to lose and like it? Or Adapt to never win a trophy because they allow this travesty to occur? Grow as a manager? How? If a team does not compete fairly with adversaries it becomes useless to even play in these competitions.

    Then she continues to give me platitudes, saying Facing challenging opponents can provide valuable lessons that ultimately contribute to your development and success in the game.

    HOW? If you always find yourself with a weaker team, what valuable lessons can you learn if only SPEND MORE money? That is the only lesson you learn.

    Then she says, in the meantime, you can focus on aspects within your control and make sure you adapt your tactics to the opponents you are facing ( which I always do) By constant dedication (which I already have) training (which I already do) participation in live events (which I do already and are a crock anyway) you can boost your club performance and lead it to success ( how?) Boost the club's performance so that at the end of the season we can penalize you 20% because you did all that so now we have to ruin everything you did and make your team weaker again so that next season if you want to do better you have to spend more money and then more and more because we will continue to screw you all the way to the bank. The bottom line is that's what you need to learn and adapt to.

    I should not be surprised but I still cannot believe this answer, they are truly mocking us. I am at a loss.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by marco caia View Post
    you are going to love this, i sent a complaint about teams that are too strong in competitions and this is the answer i got thank you for contacting us about an opponent in your cup match. Please note that the presence of higher-quality opponents represents an opportunity to learn, adapt and grow as a manager.
    hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha hhahahahahahhahahah

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Sorry, I can't stop laughing. To them we are idiots, stupid, dumb, ignorant and clowns

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