My ongoing complaint with this game, well actually those who run it, is besides fixing outcomes, WHAT IS UP WITH THE PRICES in Player Academy?
I mean, first of all, ALL the pricing, ALL OF IT, being in real money and resources are way too high. 9.99 US dollars to train ONE PLAYER for one day? Really?
The other coaches in there basically are also useless because besides being expensive they are TOO LONG PERIODS. I place a player in there for the amount of days allotted and I get him back almost at the end of the season, then I lose 20% at the end of the season when and if I promote. HOW IS THIS FAIR? You spend either 10 dollars or a lot of resources that end up translating into tokens and usually real money as well and have a player out of service for weeks and then lose 20% of what you invested shortly after. Does this make any sense at all? It does if you are ripping people off like they do. This is very unfair and sad at the same time. I would like to know, I wish I could get an answer from the game creators and financial deciders. Let me ask it anyway even though I probably will not get a reasonable answer.So, WOULD IT BE BETTER TO HAVE VERY AFFORDABLE PRICES S THAT YOU HAVE MANY MORE MANAGERS INVESTING OR VERY UNREASONABLE AND EXPENSIVE PRICING AS IT IS NOW AND LOSE THE POSSIBILITY TO HAVE MANY MORE INVESTORS IN THE GAME?
You go for quantity rather than greed! If you price high you may, as an example get 1000 players to invest if you reduced the pricing to half you may get 5000. Which one of these two options do you think would give you more income? 1000X10 DOLLARS= 10000 DOLLARS. 5000X3.99= 20000 DOLLARS. Math is not an opinion, greed will end up backfiring on you all.