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Thread: Association Torunaments during working days

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Association Torunaments during working days

    My suggestion is that would be possible to play association tournament during working days. For example Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Some of us have familiy or other things to do in weekends so it would be great the possibility to also play Asso on working days.

    In my case I exit my association in Ultimate division because tournaments are in weekends, but I'll play again if assos will take place also in working days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Kergelen View Post
    My suggestion is that would be possible to play association tournament during working days. For example Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Some of us have familiy or other things to do in weekends so it would be great the possibility to also play Asso on working days.

    In my case I exit my association in Ultimate division because tournaments are in weekends, but I'll play again if assos will take place also in working days.
    I agree 100% and some of the matches on weekends are at unreasonable hours for a weekend so often you can't even watch them and get the proper rewards for watching such as one morale booster and a rest booster for substitutions. I have so many pet peeves with this game it's not funny at all. Too many. it's a very unfair game overall.