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Thread: Bids/Transfers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2023


    I’d like to ask if there’s a possibility that during transfers when it hits 00:10 that all bids end. Even tho last minute bids can happen it does make it kinda annoying at times. Not sure if it’s something you’ve looked at changing

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2023
    Could we sell players as well as tokens or agree to a friendly as part of transfers? oh wait let me explain what i mean....
    say if a player in negotiations costs 6 tokens but you only have 3, maybe offer a player as well, as part of that transfer as an alternative to the original price.
    Last edited by kristofer moore; 04-06-2024 at 09:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I don't even bother with transfers all you get is 200%+ teams with unlimited tokens buying up everyone to the point you cant even buy anyone without having loads of tokens

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    the thing about auctions is that the players only go up to 99% it seems to me that if a person has a team average of 110% I am aiming to have players 110% or higher not 99% or lower. What the heck will I be doing with players 99% or less? In addition, if I have to spend over 20 tokens for a 99% player then I may as well spend more and get the player in scouting and get a player at 115-16 %. Or wait until I get a player for 119% in the daily players. It's money better spent. I always got very good to excellent players through scouting or daily players. You can get a very good player at 109% for 49 tokens. Why waste time and tokens in auctions? They are inadequate!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    I refrain from engaging in transfers since it only results in encountering teams who possess a skill level above 200% and have an infinite supply of tokens to acquire any player they like.
    geometry dash breeze
    Last edited by ntpreference; 06-24-2024 at 08:20 AM.