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  • 1 Post By ianruk

Thread: New training since update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    New training since update

    Not sure what you have done to the training but this is outragous

    Just tried training my team trained my attacking players with attacking drills and the teamplay form for attack did not move 1 single bit, then decided to do some 'defence' training and was told you need a certain amount of defenders to do this

    You need to STOP updating this training and making it worse and worse every update just hoping people will spend money

    You already changed the hot shot event to only 2 free shots and taken away super shots and made the boost 700 instead of 300 AND NOW you making the training worse

    Enough is enough of this crap
    MARCO CAIA likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by ianruk View Post
    Not sure what you have done to the training but this is outragous

    Just tried training my team trained my attacking players with attacking drills and the teamplay form for attack did not move 1 single bit, then decided to do some 'defence' training and was told you need a certain amount of defenders to do this

    You need to STOP updating this training and making it worse and worse every update just hoping people will spend money

    You already changed the hot shot event to only 2 free shots and taken away super shots and made the boost 700 instead of 300 AND NOW you making the training worse

    Enough is enough of this crap
    Come on guys, this game is BS all the way around, I am with our colleague it's time to quit this crap show. They will never and I mean never do anything to truly benefit us. They are greedy thieves and as such they will always act. Nothing will change, I posted in a reply the changes that need to be employed. If they truly want to benefit our playing pleasure. The game right now, is already updated and some of the updates are HORRIBLE! As we saw the playstyle boost points were increased and not a little. To boost the same level playstyle as last year I have to get 300 to 400 points more than last year. They gave us 2 fewer hot shots on top of it, so more points are needed and they gave us 2 fewer shots. Last season between the 4 and the 2 from special sponsor I had 6 shots. This is BS it does not matter what they do with the league pairing if they screw us on everything else. Enough is enough!