Be able to loan players is an obvious one. Quite easy really put a player on a loan list and allow others to offer cash and tokens for a player with a max of 3 tokens per player so nobody can cheat and cash offer of halve the value of the player max etc.
bigger cash prizes need to be offered for leagues although I am level one and guessing the prizes are higher every promotion.
should offer more really either to the game enhancements or atleast better token offers, ive currently spent £30 on my first season and my cousin has spent god knows how much maxing all his facilitys and best and youngest players you can buy in his first season so aswell as others spending so much cash on this game and im guessing its been going for 5 years haha I dont know maybe longer they could of made a pc game probably with the cash they make so would expect maybe even a pc version offering more detail to contracts or everything in game.
being able to talk to your player to either boost stats and morale for next game but also decreasing if you upset him etc.
erm not sure if you have this already but weather conditions so if windy or raining or both you team will lose alot more possession playing long ball although short ball give you advantage if opponent is on mixed or long.
promotion should offer skill points too maybe?
a status on a player if hes a wonderkid which increases his value of course wonderkids are players that rank up very rapidly upto the age of 21 maybe or 23?
coaching staff and being able to offer your retired players coaching jobs and adding it as a perk in contracts. Cant say this isnt a good idea as it means spending more money on wages. This may have to be offered to higher level players or a certain upgraded facility before hiring with hiring coaches give you advantages on 3 plauers of your choice or all of them? I.e skill points or +10 shooting while being trained, obviously training expires after certain amount of days and costs every time.
So much more that can be done could go on haha but something is on tv now, feel free to slate any of my suggestions or agree as they are only ideas right now