Nice team, what are your result for this season ?![]()
Right now i'm 1st with /7-W/1-D/1-L/ but i'm facing really good players, so at the little fault i can slide to the 3rd or 4th place,
In cup i'm in 1/8 facing an average squad but the semifinals will be hard against a Lvl 6 Player with a very high quality squad, so ... ^^' i'll try my best.
I won my first match away 1-5 so i think i'm qualified to the 1/4,
+ another win in league and the 2nd is 3 point far of me so i guess i have the marge of fail ^^ hope i'll stand in this line.
Yep cuz i was not qualified to CL this year ^^'
I lost today to a lower team 3-1 --' .... so i'm really disapointed even if i still at the first place ....
I don't know what to do cuz this lost bring dow my moral dunoo what to do ....
This can happened and the game full of random results ... you can't always win and this lose shouldn't make you so sad .
work on your team to make him better about the moral raise the moral again and don't play any important mach with health lower than 75% or 80% would be better.
your team morale must be full off ... and replace any player who don't play well and make him play only one half ...
finally losing one or two matches doesn't mean you will keep losing but this a time and you will win again![]()
And For the morale and condition i keep them always at the top so i don't think that was the probleme, i won't my first match in 1/4 3-1 and i changed completly the formation, but i thikn i'll return to my old one the simple probleme is that i have only one AML so i can't place anyone there.
What do you propose with the squad that i have ?