League round 17
A easy win for us today against this illegal formation. FH we start with 3w-5-2 v style but it didn't go so I wanted. SH we switched to 4-2-2-2 hexagon and that was better.
6' Neymar Jr. assist van Persie
34' Fraile assist Cardozo
54' van Persie
60' Fraile
86' Neymar Jr. assist Orode
MOTM: Fraile
You have got a very fantastic achievement. However, I am wondering how you can get such a World Class formation. Did you train them by Healh Packs or Tokens???
League round 18
A easy win for us today. We started with 3-5-2 v style and scored 2 goals. In the second half we changed to 4-1-1-2-2 and with huge succes.
28' Neymar Jr
50' Neymar Jr assist van Persie
62' Neymar Jr assist Fraile Hattrick for Neymar Jr.
76' Soto
82' Neymar Jr
86' Fraile assist Neymar Jr
MOTM: Neymar Jr.