Another win over a very strong opponent. My GK had injury after 15 mins, but the replaced GK had an amazing game with 4 saves and became MoM. 3-2 at away game, and 2-0 at home. Upto now I can't still believe I could beat him. It feels like you can beat Barcelona in both 2 matchesright now
Now, heading to a treble, for the first time!!!
Last edited by tr2anh; 12-30-2015 at 07:57 AM.
TrangIU (ss28, lv28)
14 Leagues
8 Runners-up2 Champions League
3 Runners-up3 Cups 3 Doubles
Last edited by tr2anh; 01-07-2016 at 03:22 PM.
TrangIU (ss28, lv28)
14 Leagues
8 Runners-up2 Champions League
3 Runners-up3 Cups 3 Doubles
Another great season had just passed.
Season 27th, Level 27 statistics:
LEAGUE: Win an easy title (14th titlle in history) with a record of 24 wins & 2 draws. This' 2nd undefeaten leagues.
2 STs and AMC were the great stars
CUP: Win the 3rd Cup title in history
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Stop in QF. Nots so good
- Best league results, best league points: 74 pts
- Undefeaten league (the 2nd): 24 wins & 2 draws
- Most win in a league: 24 wins
- Win a double (the 3rd in history and the 2nd in a row)
- Biggest Final win (4-0 in Cup Final)
- Best perfermance in a season: Javier Estevez: 48 games, 50 goals & 22 assists, 11 MoM
- Most goals in a season: Javier Estevez: 50 goals
Now... I'm thinking for a change. Maybe I seek for another lv1 club to start again.
Last edited by tr2anh; 01-09-2016 at 09:01 AM.
TrangIU (ss28, lv28)
14 Leagues
8 Runners-up2 Champions League
3 Runners-up3 Cups 3 Doubles