The update coming soon this night .... But after I complete my main squad.
I bought 2 payers from negotiations and now they are 6* .
and I bought 3 players from scout and they are nearly to be 7*
Now I need 2 AML&AMR + 1 DC + 1 DL and by this I complete my main squad.
I hope I can buy them from negotiations or from scout but 99% 6* if from scout ... and if from negotiations i need their age be fro 18:21 or even 22 or 23 or 24 it's ok but I hope to find them fast because there are no good players in auction/Negotiations/Scout they are all old players.
Thats nice, I wanted to buy 1,2 more scouts (I have just 1) but there is no point, still I have very good team, in CL I have an oponent full scoutall 6 stars with SA
but my team will be close to him even like that so I will have a chance too, I will see now.
Nice nice, atm i just buyed a 18 DMC who's 6* right now and a 5* DC/L 18 too, i'm waiting my tokens so i can get some scout players near 7* , in CL i have the best team on average quality with full team 5* so let's hope " no random results"
I'm now need 2 players to complete my main squad (DL+AMR) ... and after this I'm done .
In negotiation there must be an option that make us know if the managers online or not ... this will make the negotiation too much easier .
till now i bought 4 players by negotiations + 3 players 99% 6* stars from the scout + 2 players (MC 5* + ST 6*) from the previous season .
and still need DL + AMR ... the problem is that the auction is too bad as usual no good players they are not too much and they are older and till now i didn't see 99% 5* AML or AMR also as usual ... I think that the AML/R in my server always too rare but this not logical.