ACS POLI, LVL 5, 1st place league/champions league/runner-up cup.
ACS POLI, LVL 5, 1st place league/champions league/runner-up cup.
Not so many achievements:
Team's showcase: The PaceWhores (Lithuanian team)
Season(lvl) League Champions l. Cup 1(1) 1st - Prel. 2(2) 1st 3rd Top 16 3(3) 1st Top 16 Playoffs 4(4) tbc. tbc. Playoffs
My team is called Ben's Devils, W:24 D:1 L:0
I now
My team name is FC Wolfenstein! Dont you dare copy it, bastards ;D! Ended numba 1 with some luck![]()
season: 12![]()
Last edited by wnb slowmo?; 08-24-2014 at 02:27 AM.
season (lvl). league. champs. cup
1(1)- 10th. - -
2(1). 7th. - -
3(2). 1st. 1st. 1st
4(3). 6th. 1/8. 1/4
5(4). playing6. 4th. - Es
We are Zulu FC! 3 out of 3 championships and 1 CL so far! I am keeping myself out of the league this year to grind some players so next years I have a shot at that Triple Crown achievment xD
"Human relationships didn't work anyhow. Only the first two weeks had any zing, then the participants lost their interest. Masks dropped away and real people began to appear: cranks, imbeciles, the demented, the vengeful, sadists, killers. Modern society had created its own kind and they feasted on each other. It was a duel to the a cesspool."