Hungarian manager: FC Bokorugró, currently visiting level 3 at server:89
Hungarian manager: FC Bokorugró, currently visiting level 3 at server:89
Olympique Rouen, lvl 4 (already clinched top 3 finish, 7 points clear at top of league with 5 games remaining) Will very likely be in my 3rd straight CL final, hoping to get the monkey off my back after the last two ended in failure.
This will be my 3rd league title (one runner up). I will have 5 or 6 trophies total by the end of season 4.
No idea how to find out what server I am in.
I think this about sums it up. I just reached 700 goals scored while I am still 2 shy of 100 conceded. Today I recorded my 3rd 14-0 victory. Oddly enough two of the three came against this same team. I beat them 28-0 in the two meetings this season in my league. This last one was on the road and I did not attend.
Last edited by David Grizzle; 04-27-2015 at 06:40 PM.
Palace Casuals (a hypothetical team loosely based on Crystal Palace)
Season 22, Level 21 - established 30/09/2013 16:47.
Have fully upgraded facilities so getting 260,000 crowds for each home game and am able to apply all spare cash to getting players in...
When I followed the instructions here:, it looks like I'm on Server 215...
Current squad:
Last edited by talisman; 05-04-2015 at 04:02 PM.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
This is my team: Level 12
Team is usually a hybrid 5/6* team with an occasional 7* outlier. This is my first time with a 9* player (Little disappointed its not an achievement; because it really isn't worth the cost).
Haven't used the 1* players yet, to fool a cup draw.
I do have one of the stronger teams on my server, at my level. There are few things that have favored us, pertaining to the trophies.
a. I don't send out friend requests to other teams at my level; although I do accept them when received. Because of that, I've only been shark attacked in the league draw, once. I have been sharked three times in the CL.
b. There aren't that many token buyers on the server. There are people who reload every season in the first couple days, some with nordgens, however only a few go to the scout list. Scout list acquisitions have decreased since Nordeus changed the pricing of top scouts.
c. The players that prefer Nordgens, recycle nordgens every season or two; which defeats the purpose of acquiring Nordgens in my opinion.
d. I had a hybrid 5/6* team, with a 7* player or two mixed in at the first few levels. Overall, a solid squad but nothing special at higher levels, but at low levels, that type of quality will just overrun the league and champions league (In the vast majority of cases).
Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 05-19-2015 at 01:44 AM.
Babe FC
ST Selena Gomez ST Taylor Swift
ML Ariana Grande CM Vanessa Hudgens MR Emma Watson
DM Jennifer Lawrence
DL Mariah Carey DC Beyonce Knowles DC Nicki Minaj DR Katy Perry
GK Kate Upton
Mine is Offley United I have had the game for 2 months Joined 31st March 2015
Season 4 Level 4
Best Season level 2 P26 W25 D0 L1 PTS75
Top Goal Scorer ST Maarten Villan 65
Most Goals Scored by one player in a match ST Maarten Villan 6
Biggest Home win 17-0 v Yohan FC
Biggest Away Win 7-0 v FC ADLN
Most Apperances ST Maarten Villan 83
Season History
Level 1 7th (Joined Gameweek 21) Cup Preliminary Round Champions League did not qualify
Level 2 League 1st Cup 1st Champions League did not qualify
Level 3 League 1st Cup premilary round Champions League 1st
Level 4 in progress
Longest serving player GK Warren Bloomfield 31st March 2015
Highest Rated Player Antonio Srom 5 star 36
Lowest Rated player Roman Spilden 2 star 23
This was made Level 4 gameweek 1
My team name is FC Leo.Last season I finished first in the league!!
My team is called Sons of Pitches and is in lvl 3 currently
Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.
BenficaXI-Level 19