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Thread: Should I spend £80?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Should I spend £80?

    Hi guys

    Total noob,only been playing a week, like 7 competitive games, but with 4 games to go I've got a real shot at winning the league, I know lol, but kinda cool as a noob to me

    Anyway I have SO many questions as none of my real life pals are into this game so no one to bounce ideas of, but I'll start with this main and most important for me

    Looking to purchase the 1031 Tokens, o think it is, for £80 and buy the 8-9 star rated player in the top scorer part that is a special offer for 350 ISH tokens

    So two parted question should I make this purchase (£80) on this game in the first place, I'm not a gamer or anything, only play one other game online and that's 8 ball pool, and yeah ive spent a ton on that, so should I go down that route with this game, due to covid etc I don't have the money to spend that I did on the pool game, probably spent over £2k on that

    And secondly if i do how best to apportion those 1031 coins? A few 7 star players? Boost my existing players? Bid on some 6 star players? I'm gonna have to buy 3.2m on cash for 80 tokens I think anyway as I only have 600k after building the stadium up, youth academy and the players I've already bought, so what should I best spend this on?

    In advance cheers guys!

  2. #2
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    You should probably not spend much money, when you don't even know how to properly spend the ressources you would get from of it. This game is quite deep in terms of team management, the opponents you can draw and many other factors. 80$ spent the wrong way, can absolutely win you nothing here.

    First of all, the season will end on Saturday and every player of yours will lose 20%, as long as you finish top 8, so spending so many token on the top scorer player for example wouldn't be the best idea at this point.

    If you want to play the game more seriously, just read into some topics in the tutorial and guides section of the forum first, and then plan your next steps.
    HeavensAAA likes this.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Should I spend £80?

    Firstly, welcome to the game and to the forum.
    There are many different topics covering the questions that you ask in the forum. But the main thing I would say is do not do anything till the first day of the new season which will be this coming Sunday! Because the players that you have will lose 20% of their ability equivalent to 1 star.
    Secondly, don't rush to buy just any old player, there are many tips and tricks on looking for the best players and developing those that you have. Plus, the first 2-3 days of the new season is madness in auctions.
    Do not rush to develop your stadium as it is relative to your level.
    My Mod colleague Milpol has a hugely successful YouTube channel with tips for new players. I'll point him in your direction to advise you of links etc.
    I'm sure others will advise you but as long as you don't rush into anything and do lots of reading you'll be fine.
    Enjoy the game and good luck!
    Last edited by dave1311; 03-24-2021 at 07:33 PM.
    milpol likes this.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    As a freeloader who has been building up a FT squad to win quads season on season, my advice is:

    Do not start buying tokens package until one has a better understanding of at least some formations and player positions work, better idea of how worthwhile of an addition of certain * players to your team (hence if the T-price is worth it), and a clear picture of how your squad could look like in 2-3 seasons with the help of those additional tokens.

    Maybe experience a full season with CL, Cup and league first and then decide in season 3 if you want to go for the token package and/or premium sponsor, as by then you would have a better picture in how good you want your first teamers to be along with the competent subs, hence the kind of addition you may like to add with token buy. More likely you would enjoy this game a lot more in the long run this way than adding a few high * players into the team and got beaten by a well-trained first-11.
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.
    Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.

  5. #5
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Hi, welcome to the game first of all and I hope you enjoy your stay.

    Investing tokens especially so early would definitely give you some advantages over your opponents.

    If I would be you and from own experience, rather than investing in 3,4,5 players I would rather go for 1 extremly good (AML or AMR) who would make the difference. Plus investing in one player long term will give you more benefits as you can keep it for longer.
    Orlova FC - onForum - LIKE Orlova FC - onYoutube - SUBSCRIBE Orlova FC - onFacebook

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Welcome to the game my friend,

    Inwon specially almost all the titles in the first 10 levels, without spending any money.

    So better do not spent money on this game, otherwise they draw you any in a very difficult league next season..

    Better stay first low quality and start building next season with the free resources what you have

  7. #7
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Welcome to the game my friend.

    I've spent a fair amount of time posting educational content in a variety of platforms around the community. You should definitely check my YouTube channel which you can find here:

    Once again, welcome to the game and the forum. Have a great time
    For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
    I upload top eleven content on my YouTube Channel.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    I cant say you should not, if you love this game then support the dev by spent your money but its too late, unless you go for quad, spending that much for one title shot? No... big no, save your money for next season, that offer will come again along with the challange, and you better check guide, like milpol guide for example, so your 80$ will not be wasted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    No the game is addictive and £80 can be more usefully spent. It’s a lot of money but if you want to go ahead

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for all the welcomes really appreciate it

    And all the answers were great, some really good advice, in fact a couple of you touched upon my next question, so I can only see players in my league, their stats, history etc, the only time I see other players is in the auction bit, you can click on the bidders and see their stats, teams and leagues.

    So going along on my merry way oblivious to so much this far in the game I'm upgrading all sorts of stadium stuff, then I build the youth training ground, it opens up my youth programme, it says I can only do this on level 3, anyway point Is I clicked on someone's name that bidded on a player I wanted, he was 20 odd points clear in the league, and I looked at his overall record and he was like won 32 drew 5 lost 2 or something like that, so it was clear this wasn't his first season and he'd smashed this league completely as a level 1 player

    Thats when it dawned on me, had I just messed up big time opening up the youth academy and building the training ground?

    I'll finish top 2 in the league, my ranking is super high for that level now, I guess I'm going to a level 3 League next season?

    Brutal, and stupid mistake if I'm right, any clarification on that?

    As for the purchase, well I was going to hold off then this offer popped up and was for only 24 hours....

    Damn on my phone and can't see a post pics button, anyway I got a notification that my sponsor was gonna pay for a player, the cash part, all I had to do was pay tokens, there was three to chose from but the clock was ticking, the top ranked one was a 7 star 23 year old defender for 49 tokens I think and no cash! I just couldn't say no, was a great offer, similar players in my scout compartment showed that type of player was going for 59 tokens and over 1m cash, I couldn't turn it down

    So I went ahead with the purchase (was time constraned anyway gf has set me a limit for these games after I went mad spending on the pool one past two years)

    So I deposited and scooped him up, I bought 3.2m cash for 80 tokens I think, yes I bought the 8-9 star player (which seems a super waste given what I've just read from you guys) and I bought 3 players from the scout part that were all 7 or just under stars, so got 5 quality players, oh yeah forgot my GK sub is only 4 stars so I bought a 29 year old just in case my keeper gets injured, he was 5 stars and only like 150k(due to age I'm guessing) and got him for 6 tokens!

    So six players in total, my rating went from 105 to 116% but knowing what I know now, I couldn't have made worse purchases at a worst time combined with my seemingly youth team upgrade thing atm I'm a great example in how NOT to play the game!

    I've got 300 tokens left, I bought 50 greens too, so I suppose I'll just have to see her next season brings, really did out all my eggs on one basket here REALLY need to win this league as I think it might be tricky for me cos of what I've done hereafter

    Thanks again lads, I really found your responses helpful

    ANY good tutorials that you guys know of? For a noob, tactics, gameplay, off pitch stuff etc let me know please!

    There's a wealth of knowledge on here and I'll be making good use of it but in the meantime any good broad or general tutorials then hook me up cheers lads 👍

    Anyway thanks for your answers guys, how do
    dave1311 likes this.

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