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Thread: Should I spend £80?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Hey moderator?

    I just did a really long reply, using the "go advanced" section of this post as I wanted to post some pics, bit it's disappeared?

    Does it need confirming from the advanced bit?

    Thanks for all the welcomes guys and the as ice was very helpful

    If my post doesn't appear I'll give you guys an update and response to the really great stuff you came up with


  2. #12
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Ok, so you dived in and now you are on your way. Save your 300T for now. On Sunday, it is worth buying the Special Sponsor which will open up more rewards for you to use throughout the season. Because your Youth Academy is up and running, you will be offered up to four 17 year old players at the start of next season which will join your squad the season after.
    As I previously mentioned, your entire team will lose 20% at the end of the season equivalent to 1* so your 7* players will become 6* from Sunday. You could bolster your squad from Sunday but aim to buy players aged 21 or under as they train faster than older players. You will see that Auctions are crazy on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday, try to avoid buying on those days and do not be drawn into bidding wars. You should be able to buy a decent 5* nearly 6* player for less than 40 tokens but age is the key. You will see people paying 50+ tokens for a 19 year old. If you are in the UK, it is worth looking in Auctions after 10pm when it is quieter.
    Scout players are ok as a quick fix but they are not necessarily the best performers so it is best to read up on the pros and cons of buying Scouts.
    It is a good idea to add friends in-game as well. You can also add Facebook friends who play the game and they will appear in your friend list. Look at Managers who support others a lot because they are more active in the game and more likely to support you. If you see the option to AddFriend on their profile then they are on your server but if not, then you would need to hunt them down on Facebook and request them there. But you should also return the favour and support back!
    There is so much other advice that I could give but I would literally be here all day so your best option is to look through old threads and topics. I’m sure that someone wrote a guide for new players a few years back as well. I’ll try to find it.
    If you are not sure about something, ask on here before jumping in as many experienced Managers on here will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
    And Milpol’s YouTube channel is definitely worth a look.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 131
    50 League
    8 Champions/Elite League
    4 Super League/Gold Cup
    12 Cup

    1 Super Cup

    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Cheers mate

    Is there that big a difference between players bought at auction and scout players then? I can't see any reason why although I'm sure there's a reason, I'll bare that in mind thanks

    Also not sure if it's just because of my level but never seem more than a six star player in the auctions, there seems to be a capp, so if I did want that extra bit of quality then like you said, quick fix scout players time I suppose, I need to catch on fast (well faster) from now on as I can't make too many more mistakes like the ones I've just done.

    The whole friends turn out really still baffles me and the thing you said about servers i have no idea, a couple of people added me when I joined on the league, they were already friends, one was the leading the league, after his friend best him and I trounced him one morning when I assume he was still a kip I went top, I then got a barrage of friendly request matches from him, and he destroyed me, like three times in a row, before I came to the league he was leading by about 10 and I think he's spent a hot of money and thought he had it seem up so his back to ba k losses including a 6-0 loss to me, even though we was both around 102% ISH at the time seemed to have give him the right hump, he was destroying me in possession too, by 10-15% a game, it was only after that I realised he was on watching them hmmself, had Jose shelf watching and three of his friends, All of which game him huge possession advantage, anyway I took a 4 point lead at the top, played the guy in their, his friend, and this was like 4am and they was al watching for a big possession advantage to him lol, bit I messed it up terribly, went 2-0 and took off my holding/deep midfielder kinda keeps everything together, complete accident meant to change one attacking winger do another, so with no central midfielder on the pitch and that big possession advantage he came back to 2-2 and nicked it with the final kick of the game to win 3-2, I can tell from names and pics they all live near echother, that morning a fair few babies were probably woken by the combined three screams of a last kick of the game winner, Amway with 6 games to go I held a one point lead, we've both won all our games since then so still have the one point lead going into the last two

    Also when I arrived he had every player on the top scorer list, and ratings, assists, after a good run of 4 games my top scorer punctuated it with putting 5 of his own past one of the bottom teams who had a man sent off early, to leave me, after slowly working my way up the list, 4 goals clear at the top now

    Sorry digressed lol, my point was obv the more fans you have, and home advantage counts so I really like the concept but can it be exploited and are there safeguards in place to stop people having there 4 or 5 mates watching every game and crushing 80% possession?

    Anyway thanks for the advice again, I will checkout some of the YouTube stuff too

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Sorry I know all this noob stuff must be really irritating and kinda mundane but thanks for bearing with me you advice really is appreciated, everyone has been, some really good and insightful stuff

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Don't spend money on the game, well certainly not as much as you have lol!
    It's a very 'instant gratification' style of play as it's a monthly turnaround, so whatever you do one season you'll really have to do it all again the next, hence spending a fortune, unless you have a great job, isn't really to be advised
    Sign in daily to get the token bonus, save your existing tokens and aim to upgrade all facilities to max. Someone else can correct me but I think that takes around 15 seasons?
    This is a great game but play it rather than let it play you.
    The tutorial threads will give you some brilliant insight of what to do in your first few seasons
    Last edited by gogs67; 03-26-2021 at 01:48 PM.
    khris likes this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    And watching videos for Green packs is a HUGE part of the game, the more of them you have the better for improving the team
    dave1311 likes this.

  7. #17
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Remember that, if the last day of the season, you have 100%+ Quality, you'll be placed with +1 level teams in CL and Cup.
    You don't need to spend 80 euros, at least in resources, because we currently have 40 videos available in the mobile devices too... different if you say, that you want to fit out your team or collect items.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Everyone has just been super helpful and well inviting so seriously thanks guys

    Gog - before I bought the pack I had built it up to about 105% team just from token mining so many easy ones, a few hard ones and some impossible, also a few cons and stitch ups, but on the whole I'm guessing I mined from playing all their games etc (don't ever do the surveys total con never work) about 300-350 coins, wouldn't be surprised if it was slightly higher

    So I was kinda pleased with that turn out, got to the top of a tough league, for level one lol, I mean some other good clubs, better than me etc so I thought that was a cool achievement, I justified it by saying to myself all those games I test played or accounts I signed up to was the equivalent of a manager wheeling and dealing in the transfer window in real life to do some good business

    Although may have been a curse, seeing what I was on the edge of, and could've achieved with just a bit more, more than those offers could provide, have me the taste for winning and saw those tokens as an integral part of that
    gogs67 likes this.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Top outlaw View Post
    Everyone has just been super helpful and well inviting so seriously thanks guys

    Gog - before I bought the pack I had built it up to about 105% team just from token mining so many easy ones, a few hard ones and some impossible, also a few cons and stitch ups, but on the whole I'm guessing I mined from playing all their games etc (don't ever do the surveys total con never work) about 300-350 coins, wouldn't be surprised if it was slightly higher

    So I was kinda pleased with that turn out, got to the top of a tough league, for level one lol, I mean some other good clubs, better than me etc so I thought that was a cool achievement, I justified it by saying to myself all those games I test played or accounts I signed up to was the equivalent of a manager wheeling and dealing in the transfer window in real life to do some good business

    Although may have been a curse, seeing what I was on the edge of, and could've achieved with just a bit more, more than those offers could provide, have me the taste for winning and saw those tokens as an integral part of that
    That's good going for the token mining.
    Although you won't get all the easy ones again and there are many that take up just too much time to justify the reward.
    Play it slow and save up is my advice. Again, GREEN PACKS lol
    Like I say if you can afford the money then by all means, but don't let it become a regular thing and mount up.
    dave1311 likes this.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Probably not atm tbh, coming off of lockdown, been a tough year, for everyone I suppose, but yeah don't have the money to do it regularly, well we do, and inside our budget without it being a problem but I know gf would go mad with how things have been the past year for us, her family, everyone if I just started throwing cash at another game

    I prolly spent £2.5k on 8 ball pool, now there's a game that is all about having a flashy and showy account, I just got addicted to it, and tbf mine is one of the smaller elite acounts people from what I can see their accounts entail I know have spent minimum £5k and prolly closer to £10k

    So I really don't plan on getting into that again, I'm not a gamer or anything, but I've really taken to this game, love it and I thought this would be the helpful kickstart I needed to lock my first league and have a really good platform going forward

    Obv I didn't account for end of league timing, reduction in quality at the end of season to your team, jumping up levels ahead of your time etc and generally making things difficult for myself, so I've noised it up tbh

    I might have a dabble in the future but I love this game and will be playing for a long time to come, ironically given my history on the main two games I've ever really liked online I'm actually against pay to play, bit of a Hipocrate I suppose lol
    gogs67 likes this.

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