"No Guts, No Glory!"
Don't spend too much money on the game! Just enjoy it!
Made some nice changes today for the elephant and horse shirt.
Ohw.. and here are the RULES i made mine designs off (Allot of people is forgetting rule number 2.)
The Rules:
1. The theme is animals! That means that the pattern must somehow be animal-related;
2. The image must be a pattern that works with two colors (what color your submission is doesn't matter, as long as it's only two);
3. Please do not draw emblems;
4. Each person may have up to three entries;
5. Do not copy other members' entries or use copyrighted images;
6. Do not worry whether your submission is rough around the edges. The Winning entries will go through our Art team before they hit the store. As long as the pattern is clear, it's good!
7. Submissions are done exclusively by posting in this thread.
Last edited by VVZ4; 04-18-2013 at 03:57 PM. Reason: added the rules.
second jersey MADE IN