Ati auzit de factorul de RANDOM? Am fost eliminat si eu in cupa de un adversar net inferior sezonul trecut ... Din nefericire nici cei ce cumpara tokeni, nici cei ce-i fac prin diverse metode (apropo de unde ai strans tu atatia fara bani? sa invat si eu
) nu sunt scutiti de asemenea surprize. Vezi Barcelona - Deportivo 2-2 sau Betis - Real Madrid 1-1 ... Pana si in viata reala se intampla, asa ca nu ma mai mira nimic pe acest joc. Totusi, frustrarea ramane ...
Am primit raspunsul la ticket.Nu stiu eu foarte bine engleza insa,in mare eu sunt vinovatul ca n-am ales o formatie potrivita
"Hey there Aurica,
I apologize for the very late reply. 
I understand your frustration and as a manager myself, I sometimes face the exact same situation that you are describing, so I do completely understand your frustration. We can see that you are a dedicated user of Top Eleven. You do take it seriously, you invest a lot in it and of course you expect great results.
Therefore, this is our advice to you: Try changing your formation. Look into whether it would make sense to use different players in your starting line-up and try playing with different orders. Check your opponent’s tactics and customize your formation to counter their setup before the match starts.
Rest assured, we have forwarded your concerns and criticism about this to the relevant departments so that they can look into it. However, unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific time-frame of IF or WHEN adjustments will be made to the system, and thus, we would ask for your understanding and patience regarding this.
Thank you very much. Should there be anything else that we can help you with or that you require assistance with, please do not hesitate to let us know. We would be more than happy to help.
Kind regards."
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