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  • 6 Post By Ποσιδονας
  • 1 Post By Ποσιδονας

Thread: Top Eleven Македонски (Macedonian)

  1. #1
    Rookie Petrov2g's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Top Eleven Македонски (Macedonian)

    Top Eleven Македонски (Macedonian)-mkd.jpg


    Доколку сте Македонец и ви е потребна помош или нешто друго, слободно постирајте тука!


    Пред да постирате, ве молиме прочитајтеги правилата на овој пофорум!
    -Овие правила се официјални од страна на модераторот PricopGeorgeCătălin

    - Да не се навредувате со други членови!
    - Забрането постирање на линкови кој не се поврзани со играта!
    - Забрането постирање на работи кој не се поврзани со играта!
    Admin at Top Eleven United | TE Youtuber | Liverpool FC

  2. #2
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    I am Greek and Macedonian.
    Living in the city of Thessaloniki (the name is from the sister of Alexander) and half an hour from Pella- Vergina, the palace where Alexandros and his fatehr Philippos reign.
    Alexander (Alexandros) the Great was both a Greek and a Macedonian. He considered himself Greek, spoke Greek, was in love with Greek culture, and spread it across the world. He simultaneously considered himself Macedonian, however. He was most definitely not Slavic. Macedonians were a people living to the immediate north of Classical Greece in the area now mostly contained in the modern area known as Greek Macedonia (of which the capitol is Thessaloniki). Ancient Macedonians spoke a northern variety of Greek, as well as Koine Greek once it spread across the world. The modern nation of Slavic Macedonia contains very little of Ancient Macedonia's territory, and actually mostly coincides with an ancient nation called Paeonia. Slavs didn't actually appear in the Balkans until almost a thousand years after.
    So I cannot understand the language you are writing in this "Macedonian" section.

    FYROM is the name until they will find something else or spread to the nations where people are from (Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks).
    read here too
    Fcgrfr, Rizla, Jorge Volos and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
    Rookie Petrov2g's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    I am Greek and Macedonian.
    Living in the city of Thessaloniki (the name is from the sister of Alexander) and half an hour from Pella- Vergina, the palace where Alexandros and his fatehr Philippos reign.
    Alexander (Alexandros) the Great was both a Greek and a Macedonian. He considered himself Greek, spoke Greek, was in love with Greek culture, and spread it across the world. He simultaneously considered himself Macedonian, however. He was most definitely not Slavic. Macedonians were a people living to the immediate north of Classical Greece in the area now mostly contained in the modern area known as Greek Macedonia (of which the capitol is Thessaloniki). Ancient Macedonians spoke a northern variety of Greek, as well as Koine Greek once it spread across the world. The modern nation of Slavic Macedonia contains very little of Ancient Macedonia's territory, and actually mostly coincides with an ancient nation called Paeonia. Slavs didn't actually appear in the Balkans until almost a thousand years after.
    So I cannot understand the language you are writing in this "Macedonian" section.

    FYROM is the name until they will find something else or spread to the nations where people are from (Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks).
    read here too
    I'm Macedonian, I dont care if you call me FYROM. Why you have to bring hate here? Why are you mixing policy with a footboll game? You are stuck in the past like your country. This is not political opinion forum this is a forum about a game. If you have any problems acording this post, please report to the admin of the board and dont come with false info. Thank you
    Admin at Top Eleven United | TE Youtuber | Liverpool FC

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    I don't feel any hate.
    People from Skopje are welcome as neighbours, for holidays to our beautiful Chalkidiki

    Have a nice game
    Rizla likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Gde se vidi moj username na Top elvenu?

  6. #6
    VIP Nick Lizas's Avatar
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    you have to read a little history and you will understand that the politicians always mixed with football
    you are a smart person and you understand what I mean
    mr Petrov2g
    Last edited by Nick Lizas; 10-31-2017 at 06:18 PM.

  7. #7
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    Wortel, Belgium
    Last edited by khris; 01-07-2018 at 04:54 PM. Reason: visibility

  8. #8
    Newbie Imaqbman's Avatar
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    Оваа тема е отворена за Македонци и да се зборува на Македонски јазик. Незнам зашто сите пишувате на Англиски?