Day 1 - 3 injuries (during match, can't remenber, but between 3 to 5 days each).
Day 2 - 2 more injuries (during match).
Day 3 - 1 more injury (during match, 3 days i believe).
Day 4 - no injuries (hurray )
Day 5 - 1 more injury (during match, 5 days long)
Day 6 - No injuries.
Day 7 - 1 Injury (Light stretching, normal - 3 days out).
Day 8 - No injuries
Day 9 - 1 Injury (Cardio, normal, 4 days out).
Day 10 - 1 Injury (Match, 6 days out).
Day 11 - No injuries.
Day 12 - No injuries.
Day 13 - No injuries.
Day 14 - 3 injuries (Match, 4days, 3 days and 3 days).
Day 15 - 1 injury (Match, 12 days out).
Day 16 - No injuries.
Day 17 - 1 injury (Practice match, normal, 5 days out).
Day 18 - No injuries.
Day 19 - 1 injury (Match, 2 days out)
Day 20 - 1 Injury (Practice match, normal, 2 days)
Day 21 - 1 injury (Match, 5 days)
Day 22 - 1 Injury (Practice Match, normal, 3 days)
So, i guess i still didn't run out of injuries :P 18 so far.
EDIT: make it 19... They just keep on coming...