how can i delete my team because i dont want to play anymore?
how can i delete my team because i dont want to play anymore?
I've just answered this pal, you need to leave your team inactive for a couple of months, as of now there is now button to delete your team instantly.
Liverpool FC - Team Showcase
"You'll Never Walk Alone."
I don't claim to be a Top Eleven expert but, if anyone would like advice, please don't hesitate to contact me through 'private messaging', I try to reply as soon as possible.
Just don't log into Top Eleven anymore... Job done!
*Retired From Top Eleven*
no, u cant) u should buy more tokens to support Nordeus
u can do this,
see in ur facebook, and then find ur last share from Top Eleven.. after go to delete the post and u can see this Screenshot by Lightshot .. (sorry if language its bahasa indonesia) and i know it from my friend but i never try hehe