What Level are you playing at now? Level 4 in 49 minutes
What are your ambitions? League & Champions League
How many Tokens you got? 18 (I forgot to farm and now I can't be assed, I'm only aiming to get 4 players anyway)
How much Money you got? Over 8 Million
Who are you buying/selling? No idea
Wolf FC
What Level are you playing at now? Level 7 next season
What are your ambitions? Win league, at least semi final in Champions league. Cup.... Pfffffftttt.
How many Tokens you got? 290
How much Money you got? 22m
Who are you buying/selling? replace 5 or 6 weakest players players in squad with scouts (pending decent players under 24 in right positions being available)
We won't be making claims untill we see TL and scout list. Tanking if nothing i like shows up, since i'll be on vacation :P
My team that won this season:
Wolf FC
This is my current lvl 5 side (will be lvl 6 tomorrow)
I'm happy I've got a good balance for different formations (I mainly play 4-4-2, but occasionally will swap it around) and enough quality in backup (I'd rather have 22 evenly matched players than 5 superstars and a few poor players as I find the game engine likes to injure the best players). I'm also happy with my player ages as I think there is enough to keep them going for a few seasons yet.
Main aim next season is to farm even more Tokens and get a war chest close to 3000 Tokens.
Last edited by kynan; 07-28-2013 at 01:40 AM.
^^ I can never keep a token balance like that I spend most of my tokens on power training my squad.
I've bought my tokens for this season, Only problem is paypal have tried to take the money out the bank instead of my credit card and there is no money in my bank, therefore it looks like I will be paying £8 more than I should (bank charge) and paypal will use the credit card for back up instead.
Last edited by July Fourth; 07-28-2013 at 01:44 AM.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
No Champions League for AEPRE FC next season - **** YOU KAMPUNG F.C
The Season 5 even proves themselves as The Worst Season ever, as they managed to miss the Champions League spot as Kampung F.C and Palace FC both win their games. Is there really a sign of quitting for the manager? Because he is alone, he hasn't quality for the CL for the first time in team's history, thanks to a very rubbish league management and the cursed trophy design which knock them out of the way...
Season 6 - Level 6 Objectives
Power training a player to 9*
Win the Royal Rumble Cup
Win the League
It is very disappointing to see our team not making the CL, is there anyone else ever not qualify for the CL? Am I alone this season?
That was definitely Arsenal + Spurs. Hopefully next season Nordeus will introduce Europa League to the game so that our players can still get another stage to compete...
Last edited by pnr8555; 07-28-2013 at 01:48 AM.
It's very tempting as I'm quite impatient, but I feel I've "wasted" quite a lot in the past two months.
I've maxed out all my buildings to date simply by rushing through the construction and swapping tokens for cash, which I now view as stupid.
I also spent just shy of 800T on scout players last season, even though I didn't need to as I wanted to get an extra star on my quality. I'd decided at the end of season 4 to stick with the players I had and to let my Tokens grow through farming, but folded and brought in new scouts within 3 days of the season starting. I'm now vowing again to not buy any new players as I don't need them - and I am determined to stick to it this time.
I think I've wasted nearly 3000 Tokens to date in upgrades, extra cash, and buying scouts I didn't need. Granted its all Tokens I've got from farming, but now I'm in super saver mode. My buildings are done as much as I can go at the moment, and the ground is already way too big for me, and the team I have got should be too good to not go up for the next few seasons so I'm trying to be sensible now.