You can spend 2T to reschedule your home match, why don't you do it?
How do u have 2 league games, 1 CL and 1 Cup in the same day. And Cup games are every other day not everyday. So is the CL games.
Now i see the pict better. It skip from friday to sunday.
Did you photoshop the the picture to male it look like u have 4 games in a day?
Last edited by Juan Fernandez; 07-31-2013 at 10:00 AM.
sorry wrong thread, I thought it was latest tour dates for the band ....
LEDDY FC Level 7
League Champions 5 times (undefeated season 2 and 6) Runners Up x 1 grrr
Cup Winners Season 5 (Wembley Stadium)
Champions league Winners season 5 (Float Marina Singapore)(Cup Double)
Champions league Winners season 4 (Joy at The Nou Camp)(League and CL Double)
Champions League Finalist season 2 (The Amsterdam Arena Spud Gun/Helmet Cheese Penalty fiasco)
Probably due to timezone differences... The games ealy in the day, are schedule in the day before, to his opponents.
he obviously rescheduled the games to look like this.
He is ahead of us in time, enough hours to put him into tomorrow already.
8/3 is a CL day, which is his Friday. he moved the 8/4 cup game back to 8/3.
He has moved all his league games as forward as he can.
He spent a lot of tokens to move games to make this look stupid for himself. He will probably spend more to move them back.
What a waste and whats the pointt
Not necessarily. Indonesia timezone is gmt+7.
If you take 7 hours from 1am, on friday, you'll get 18 pm, thursday in GMT, which is regular CL time.
So his schedule to friday, at GMT times is:
18:18 CL game
20:13 League
09:53 League
12:43 Cup
Normal schedule... This is the problem that happens with such different time zones matched together. I already suggested separating servers by big time zones brackets. It would diminish the problem a lot.