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Thread: Tackling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    How the style of it affects your gameplay?
    I.e. Hard tackling usually ends up having 7 players given a red card.
    Or it is a solution how to play vs teams that are 5+ higher average rate than yours.

  2. #2
    Famous tongly45's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    not really confirmed, only my experience

    normal tackling: more chance to have dangerous freekick, direct redcard, penalty for all your player, more coner
    hard tackling : more fouls, long range freekick,

    i recommended you use hard tackling in any case.
    Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
    season 28, level 28

    competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*)
    League 28 19 6 2 season 27 .....
    Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........
    Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
    (*) updated at 1-June-2015

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tongly45 View Post
    not really confirmed, only my experience

    normal tackling: more chance to have dangerous freekick, direct redcard, penalty for all your player, more coner
    hard tackling : more fouls, long range freekick,

    i recommended you use hard tackling in any case.
    I was thinking about a post from July 4th about using Hard tackle vs stronger teams. Just want to clarify info.