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Thread: I stop Top Eleven because of this, can someone explain me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    I stop Top Eleven because of this, can someone explain me?

    Okey, I don't speak english very well, but I think you'll understand me.
    I want to talk about my problem. I have the best team in my league, and I am only 7th. It's not like i lost one time against a weaker opponent and I'm crying on this forum. Nooooo. Look at this picture, that's JUST my last match, 10 minutes ago, and it's ALWAYS like that this season.
    I stop Top Eleven because of this, can someone explain me?-photo-pour-forum-top11.jpg I hope it will work !

    Well, if that's working, look at my players and my oppent's players.
    I have a team with 7* / 6* / 5* / 4* (39 & 39)
    The moral of my players is super, condition is perfect (99%) and that's very strange, season 1/2/3/4 i won every league, with 0,1 or 2 defeats, i always won 8-0/9-0/10-0 and I won 2CL and went final in cup 1 time! I can't explain that, i repeat THAT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME I LOSE AGAINST A WEAKER TEAM. I'm just ****ing angry of this game, sometimes i lose against a 2* team, how can you ****ing explain that ? I think 7th after 14 matchs with the best team in my league is not possible. I tried to play with my A-TEAM and my B-TEAM, but the result is the same. I don't want you to think i cry because of a defeat or you tell me that in real football, sometimes bests teams lose, but it's only sometimes, i always do 0-0 or 0-1 or 2-3 you know, I..I need answers because i really want to stop this unfair game.. Help me please.

    Thank you for yours answers..

  2. #2
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Tank the season and wait for the next to start fresh.

  3. #3
    hod is offline
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    I have no answer for you since i am new over here, but, your English is great and you know how to say F**K

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ahah thank you Hod ! :P

  5. #5
    Dreamer El Duderino's Avatar
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    Il m'arrive la même chose dernièrement. Depuis que j'ai acheté de nouveaux joueurs, je n'arrête pas de perdre. Le moteur de jeu fait des coups comme ça et c'est hyper frustrant quand on se donne les moyens d'avoir la meilleure équipe et formation et on se fait avoir par des équipes faibles et abandonnées.

  6. #6
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    Sorry pradyz, it was all my fault. About 2months ago, I emailed nordeus, I complained about some players are too superb, and that I keep losing. They got all the scout players. If they don't do simething about it, me and my best friend will stop playing. They replied me that they will put more randomness in to the game, and they did. I finally got premoted after staying at lvl4 for 2seasons, and I'm only 2points away from the 7th this season, I've been beating some high Q teams which made me very happy and think this game is awesome. I actually have a shot on getting premoted two seasons in a row.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

  7. #7
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    El Duderino, je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi/vous, et je trouve ça injuste de payer et de se faire battre assez facilement par des équipes de 2* alors que je travaille depuis 5 saisons à avoir une doublure à chaque poste et à avoir la meilleure équipe possible..

    Je pense très sérieusement à arrêter le jeu..

  8. #8
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sallycantskate View Post
    Sorry pradyz, it was all my fault. About 2months ago, I emailed nordeus, I complained about some players are too superb, and that I keep losing. They got all the scout players. If they don't do simething about it, me and my best friend will stop playing. They replied me that they will put more randomness in to the game, and they did. I finally got premoted after staying at lvl4 for 2seasons, and I'm only 2points away from the 7th this season, I've been beating some high Q teams which made me very happy and think this game is awesome. I actually have a shot on getting premoted two seasons in a row.
    Okay that's why my team's quality is double that of my opponent and I played 4-5-1 V-Style against his 4-4-2 classic, but I almost lost. Luckily for me, I scored a draw in the last minute.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pradyz View Post
    Okey, I don't speak english very well, but I think you'll understand me.
    I want to talk about my problem. I have the best team in my league, and I am only 7th. It's not like i lost one time against a weaker opponent and I'm crying on this forum. Nooooo. Look at this picture, that's JUST my last match, 10 minutes ago, and it's ALWAYS like that this season.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo pour forum Top11.jpg 
Views:	130 
Size:	101.6 KB 
ID:	10802 I hope it will work !

    Well, if that's working, look at my players and my oppent's players.
    I have a team with 7* / 6* / 5* / 4* (39 & 39)
    The moral of my players is super, condition is perfect (99%) and that's very strange, season 1/2/3/4 i won every league, with 0,1 or 2 defeats, i always won 8-0/9-0/10-0 and I won 2CL and went final in cup 1 time! I can't explain that, i repeat THAT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME I LOSE AGAINST A WEAKER TEAM. I'm just ****ing angry of this game, sometimes i lose against a 2* team, how can you ****ing explain that ? I think 7th after 14 matchs with the best team in my league is not possible. I tried to play with my A-TEAM and my B-TEAM, but the result is the same. I don't want you to think i cry because of a defeat or you tell me that in real football, sometimes bests teams lose, but it's only sometimes, i always do 0-0 or 0-1 or 2-3 you know, I..I need answers because i really want to stop this unfair game.. Help me please.

    Thank you for yours answers..
    I would have gone 4-5-1 V, as it is a better formation against that opponent. with you quality, your formation should have done better, but still, his formation going up the middle would have caused this in most cases. Start looking at better formations as yours is good but only good against some formations, it is weak in the middle. His AMC most likely opened a can of whoop-ass on you.

    yes, this game is getting more unfair every sseason. The programmers dont use logic, they do this to cause frustration so you buy more tokens to succeed. They always want you to want a better team, and what better way than to make you lose?

    quit the game and play football manager. If I had my xbox, I would be playing that instead. Looking for other options....

  10. #10
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    With a better formation then your and with the same formation I lost 2-0, then I won really hard with 1-0 and then, bang I lost 3-0 like you, I couldn't explain why ...

    My advice, check your players and look on their form and change them, even if they are 5,6,7 stars, find others if they have only bad notes...

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