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Thread: I stop Top Eleven because of this, can someone explain me?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I think that's not a problem with formation or players, i already played against this formation and always won 5/6/7-0 I .. I just don't understand this game..

  2. #12
    Addicted Phil Scrivener's Avatar
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    With a better formation then your and with the same formation I lost 2-0, then I won really hard with 1-0 and then, bang I lost 3-0 like you, I couldn't explain why ...

    My advice, check your players and look on their form and change them, even if they are 5,6,7 stars, find others if they have only bad notes...
    Pradyz this is the best advice you could get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you say it's not the problem ?????? If PGC gave this advice to me it's the 1st thing I would do...... seriously !
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I will check it, but I'm only 17 so I don't want to pay 50€ every month for tokens you know, and when i see 80% of my opponent who beat me don't buy any token I find it .. I don't know the word in english .. frustrating ? Frustrant in french.. It's like Sad + Angry. I really don't understand this game. I forgot to tell you, before with a weaker team BUT the same formation I had a lot of shot and shot on target during the match ~25 shots ,and now I have ~10 shot during a match. Really really weird.

    PS : I lost against 6-7 differents opponent's tactic, that i won before with a lot of goals so I don't think it's the tactic, well maybe but i'm pretty sure that no..

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