I'm new to this forum and to the game. I just joined a month or so ago, and must say the game is very well made and I'll keep playing it for sure in the future.
I've checked the forums and have seen reports on bugs so this is not going to be new to anyone (maybe to some), but I still thought of posting this as a way for me to vent
It has to do with the whole "accepting a Friend" thing. At first, I thought it was cool to get a request from someone in your league to be "friends" with you. But then I discovered that it is nothing but a very easy way for people to cheat in the game. I ended up losing the league to my "friend" becuase he decided to set up a friendly just an hour before our match for the league. I was in bed so didn't even know I had the request. Again, nothing new with this "bug"
My vent is, I can't believe Game Admins have done nothing about it. Let's face it guys, it's not a feature, it's a bug! We're allowing people to cheat in the game just like it?! We should be able to accept/deny requests for friendlies, period!Come on, folks. Let's get this "bug" fixed, so "friends" become real friends in the game.