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Thread: Injury Rate Study

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  1. #1
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    State of Montana, USA

    Injury Rate Study

    So I tracked all my games, training and injuries in a spreadsheet this season:

    In 1964 total hours (117,830 minutes) of activity I suffered 14 injuries for 57 days lost.
    1,106 hours (66,350 minutes) of training with 4 injuries fr 20 days.
    868 hours (51,480 minutes) of match time with 10 injuries for 37 days.

    8 different players injured.
    5 with 1 injury each
    1 with 2 injuries (Starting AMR in Cup, CL, 2nd half of league)
    1 with 3 injuries (starting AMR in league only, 1/2 season)
    1 with 4 injuries (starting ST in Cup, CL, 2nd half of league)

    Worst day: Day 15 with 4 injuries ( 2 per match)
    First week: 2 injuries, 11 days
    Second week: 5 injuries, 20 days
    Third week: 5 injuries, 17 days
    Fourth week: 2 injuries, 9 days

    No relationship between number of training sessions and injuries (3 of 4 training injuries were on 'light' training days with only 1 or 2 of each type training)
    Incidence: 2 during cardio, 1 during practice, 1 during stretching
    1,160 of 66,350 minutes were Hard training (1.7%). No injuries during hard training. Not enough data to make any judgement re injury relation to training style.

    Match Injuries: 3 league, 4 CL, 3 Friendly, 0 Cup
    Total Matches: 26 League, 10 CL, 14 Friendly, 2 Cup (Yeah, it was a lousy season for my Rangers)

    7 match injuries using normal tackling (32 games), 2 using easy (10 games), 1 using hard (10 games)

    My results correlate favorably to the UEFA study which shows 8 injuries per 1000 hours.

    I used 95 red packs to heal 25 days of injuries.
    Only once did I fully heal a player. Nine times i healed a player of all but 1 day, and 3 time I let the players heal completely naturally.

    I had one 'reinjury"
    ST Cintonio injured day 15, prognosis out 3 days. Rested one day, healed one day (which left 1 day injury remaining), recovered and played Day 17 and suffered another 3 day injury.

    Obviously one team's data for one season can't be considered conclusive, and it was a pain in the butt recording EVERY training session, game, injury, and treatment, but I'm satisfied. My spreadsheet results can be made available to anyone who is doing a similar/more comprehensive study.

    Oh, yeah .. and since this isn't a conspiracy/Nordeus sucks rant, I expect only a few people to show interest, but it's for those few people that I'm posting.
    ~^~*~^~ My opinions are best when taken with a grain of salt. No iodine added. ~^~*~^~

  2. #2
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    State of Montana, USA
    Wow .. I knew only a few would be interested ... but NOBODY ????
    ~^~*~^~ My opinions are best when taken with a grain of salt. No iodine added. ~^~*~^~

  3. #3
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    Well, everyone will have different stats, so it's only really relevant to you. All i know is I've had an injury for each of my 3, different level teams, in their first cup match. Last season one of my teams picked up 4 injuries over 2 games. Each injury put the player out for 6days+ - that's 6 games, and more for 2, one of them for 10 games ... this is not in line with actual real life team injuries. Not even close.

  4. #4
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Gaule View Post
    Well, everyone will have different stats, so it's only really relevant to you. All i know is I've had an injury for each of my 3, different level teams, in their first cup match. Last season one of my teams picked up 4 injuries over 2 games. Each injury put the player out for 6days+ - that's 6 games, and more for 2, one of them for 10 games ... this is not in line with actual real life team injuries. Not even close.
    Prove it.

    I've watched deceptive and misleading posts from one end of the curve for several months. My study, contrary to your opinion, is not just relevant to me. It's the only systematic study of injuries undertaken here. While not conclusive, it concurs with official statements regarding injury rates in the game, and as an objective study, it's much more significant than the prevalent subjective gripes about injury rate.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
    ~^~*~^~ My opinions are best when taken with a grain of salt. No iodine added. ~^~*~^~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I dont understand where you got your total hours from? 867 hours in just one seasoncould you explain pls?

  6. #6
    Addicted Razz's Avatar
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    State of Montana, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Vicez View Post
    I dont understand where you got your total hours from? 867 hours in just one seasoncould you explain pls?
    Match = 90 minute
    Practice match = 60 minutes
    Cardio = 30 minutes
    Stretching = 10 minutes.

    Tracked every match, and every training session multiplied by number of players (e.g. 90*11 for a match), divided total by 60.
    ~^~*~^~ My opinions are best when taken with a grain of salt. No iodine added. ~^~*~^~