Cup just started just like the new season and once again injuries strikes!
my best 2 players got injuries for 6 days
+ another 1 for 4 days ( all in the same game )
how am i suposed to win anything now... so annoying
Cup just started just like the new season and once again injuries strikes!
my best 2 players got injuries for 6 days
+ another 1 for 4 days ( all in the same game )
how am i suposed to win anything now... so annoying
you are not supposed to win, you are supposed to buy tokens. losing causes frustration causes you to buy tokens to win.
you are allowed to win at the start of the game so you can get hooked on the game so you can buy tokens to TRY to win.
But if anyone should have injuries and lose games
Who wins?
ive played soccer ( or football whatever you prefer ) for 13 years and never got / any injuries
nordeus system is lame..
English Premier League Injury Table -
There. Even real teams suffer from many injuries. It puts things in perspective. I know injuries are annoying, and probably a bit too often, but that's what managing is like; dealing with stuff like this. The problem is not the # of injuries, assuming everyone gets the same. The problem is the fact that tokenbuyers can quickly heal them. But honestly, this is why you have room for 22 players. PLaying one or maybe even two players out of position is not all that bad (just look at how often people here complain about losing to inactive/illegal formations...) and I also dont feel that 99% condition is a must either.
Still...goodluck with the injuries
I understand that full time pros [as none of you are I'm guessing?] are more prone to injury than part-timers. BUT ... I've never seen one pro team get hit with 5-6 injuries, all of which put each player out for at least 4 games] within the first couple of games of any season!
It's highly unrealistic and they will not change it, because as mentioned, they vant your bloo ... money!
It's all luck, nothing more. Whether bad or good.
oh looks! how cute!!!another injury today!
Injuries are a part of the game (as same as winning, losing, draw etc). The best way to tackle this issue is to sell/replace the injured players instead of healing them. Or play hard tackle and get back at them. I've been playing this game for 9 months and I don't see any differences in playing/using easy, normal or hard tackling.