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Thread: 80-20 cheat

  1. #21
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maranwe View Post
    This. The fact that only forum visitors know about the silly concept of illegal formations is quite unfair to the other 95% of players. Makes me wonder how many players Nordeus has lost due to players not knowing about it and getting frustrated. They should get rid of it or include warnings in the game when people set their formations.
    As much as I give out about Nord, and some aspects of the game, that's just complete and utter nonsense. You're talking as if this 95% of players wouldn't know a strange formation unless they came here?? I didn't know about this illegal formation thing until very recently - and guess what? I've never used one anyway, because I know at least a little about football. And I can't think of one club, ever, who used one of these "illegal" formations - not regularly at least. I reckon any team who would, would be getting thrashed repeatedly, that explains the penalty.

    If they didn't have some ruling on it, you'd be facing ridiculous formations from troll sides.

    And I'd be willing to bet, a lot, that that 99% of that "95%" makey up number of people who can't use search to find this forum - for a game they are playing - do not use such silly formations.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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  2. #22
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    Yep. I think that with the link to the forum being on the game page, and the wiki, would help anyone who really is curious about these "illegal" formations. Mostly, they are just stupid formations, and if you watch the game or look at the stats, the possession/shots should tell you that your form blew. but...
    I really would like to play 2 dc with 3dmc. And maybe no striker....
    Last edited by Cat Harrison; 08-29-2013 at 03:07 PM.
    Keith Gaule likes this.
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  3. #23
    Rookie Tamaraw's Avatar
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    If they can't even bother checking forums for problems, they probably shouldn't play anyway.

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