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Thread: Do i even need to turn up for this match? Will the game be forfeit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Do i even need to turn up for this match? Will the game be forfeit?

    Is this team so illegal that even if I don't bother turning up it will be an automatic 3-0 win to me.

    With potentially 9 ineligible players and a squad so bare it is near impossible to field a legal team... Will the game be forfeit to me?

    Do i even need to turn up for this match? Will the game be forfeit?-do-i-even-need-turn-up-match.jpg

    And what about this player? Same Question

    Do i even need to turn up for this match? Will the game be forfeit?-do-i-even-need-turn-up-match2.jpg

  2. #2
    hod is offline
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    Aug 2013
    When game starts the engine takes player and put them on their spot.
    So eventually you will play against 11 players.

  3. #3
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    May 2013
    That second team, it's possible to make a perfectly legit formation, like 3-1-3-1-2

    Pretty sure what happens to me when I face something like this is, the game engine gives the team an auto fill, as best it can. You'll probably still thrash them but the game will play out.
    It's all luck, nothing more. Whether bad or good.

  4. #4
    Dreamer El Duderino's Avatar
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    Watch you match. The way the game engine is, it's that even though you have the better team, you can still lose against a broken team. Watch the match and put your best formation, you're never totally safe from a loss.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    cheers for the feed back....the second team i wouldn't chance as it is possible to put out a legal team even if most of them should be getting there

    The first team though is surely a walk over.. He has only got a squad of 14 and he has got 3 players of 34 (presumably retired) and one suspended due to a red card...And i thought the reason players are not shown in there positions is because there out of contract..Surely if there not under contract to the club even Nordeus cant fabricate illegal players just to play the game...
    Last edited by Keat Campbell; 08-30-2013 at 09:31 PM.