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Thread: Ok need some advice

  1. #11
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    He have very good defence special ability thats why I asked but your first defenders have good skills so you should keep them.

    Your team is very good, I'm using same formation like you but my defenders are like dl-dc-dr.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks, yeah i asked this, because i know that i outskill, and outclass (stars and stats) every team in my champions league, atleast for several groups, but then u also sometimes have this weird games lol. For example, i had this match, cup match, i was playing away, and everything in my team was better, but even so it ended up in a 1-1 score. Then i played a friendly against same team, and i won like 10-0 Today, 2 hours from now, im playing against that team again, but then i play home. Im just very curious, if i maybe can win like that again when i play home, or its gonna be a weird match, and get a strange weird score against a team, that should not even be able to score, and stat wise should be completly ass wiped.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I changed one def with the czech defender, because you have a good point, that he has defensive wall, as special abilty, and i think, that atleast one def with that abbility, would be a smart choice.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    But to get back to main question, i should not change anything? Are my blue and red arrows smart? How bout my tactics?

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Cairo - Egypt
    Quote Originally Posted by powerzhea View Post
    May i ask why u say, whole pitch? Would your advice still be the same, now that i changed the screenshot of my new formation?
    when you play with too much players in mid this means that you want to demonstrate the mid and the possession so make you attack through the mid would be great ... because this formation has only one strong point (too much MCs means attack through the mid)

    and about the whole pitch, yes you must use the whole pitch if you will attack and vice verse if you will defend ... it is clear m8 .

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Cairo - Egypt
    Quote Originally Posted by powerzhea View Post
    But to get back to main question, i should not change anything? Are my blue and red arrows smart? How bout my tactics?
    about the arrows if you will put blue arrows at the 3 DCs this means that there will be a gap between the defense and the mid, so you need to put blue arrow also at the middle MC and keep the rest arrows.

    and also one thing .. you need to remove the red arrows from the STs because red arrows means that they will receive the ball rarely and will not have enough score chances.

    so lest them free to go back to receive the ball and then go forward to score goals.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Cairo - Egypt
    And after this I want to say that this formation may work great with your current main squad and may not ... so always try to change the formation to get the suitable one for your team.

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