So I have been having issues with connections to the T11 server all day and I finally make it in, the minute after the game is over! Seriously? I know because I was watching it from another account. I lost 3-2 and couldnt make any changes or anything and that pisses me off because I should have won the game easily against the worst team in my CL group.
But thats minor compared to my big beef - why the hell did I lose all my friends in T11? there seems to be an issue because I could add all my other accounts within T11, but they are all FB friends and should be there automatically. I added them easily because of the NEWS and the links provided within it, but the point is that I should not have had to re-add them.
the connection to the server has been IFFY for the past 2 days and its on 2 laptops and a phone, with 3 different browsers, so its not my connection or machines.
so, again, I say: WTF!