Originally Posted by
My reply was moved to the 'unsatisfactory result' thread. I said:
It is not unless you have seen more info than I have.
OP may have played with a team full of low morale players with low condition who were all out of position with skillpoints wrongly assigned without a win bonus (vs the opposition having one) and arrows unreasonably placed on an ultra defensive team with passing set to a form that didn't suit his formation at all etc etc etc.
You don't know, or at least *I* don't know because I haven't seen him post any of those details. All I see is a formation and quality.
I deal with troll results too, but if I have a troll result, I'll let you base it on my formation, quality, morale, condition and many other factors that should have not made the troll result possible. I don't doubt that he should have won, I just want to prevent people saying that he should have won only based on his quality being 2 stars higher.
If you are saying that the factors I mention have no influence, then that is possibly true because Nordeus doesn't seem to give away any details on the engine at all. But most people on here are giving advice based on those factors (which we sadly have no proof for), so I'd rather see people at least post match statistics to get an idea of what happened so we can draw our conclusions on all the things that the developer gives us 0 information about.
1) It may be a troll win. The point I was making in that thread is that you don't know. The only things the OP posted in that thread were the quality of his lineup and the formation he used. He did not post anything else whatsoever. If those 2 things are the only factors that influence results, then this game has a boatload of troll wins.
2) A troll win constitutes a win that should not have a chance of happening. It's a non-realistic result based on quality, formations, in-game events and statistics. If you have a team with far better quality, use the correct counter-formation(*) and have good morale, condition, players in the right positions and decent tactics, yet still lose or get a result that doesn't reflect the situation at all, it is a troll result in my eyes.
*I have to mention the fact that people use the word 'counter formation' a lot, but this is purely based on our understanding of the game which changes every single season. Nordeus themselves have never said anything about a counter, so we use a bit of logic that doesn't have to apply at all when we talk about counter formation.