Hello, if i learn my player a new position and he need for example 50 skill pionts so he will get 3 stars more?(15 points for one star) thanks alot
Hello, if i learn my player a new position and he need for example 50 skill pionts so he will get 3 stars more?(15 points for one star) thanks alot
Level 1, Season 1: League 1st.
Level 2, Season 2: League 3rd, CL 2nd
Level 3, Season 3: League 1st, CL 3rd
Level 4, Season 4: League 1st, CL 1st
Level 5, Season 5: League 1st.
Level 6, Season 6: League 1st, CL 2nd
Level 7, Season 7: League 1st, CL 1st. CUP 1/8 knockout
Level 8, Season 8: League 1st.
Level 9, Season 9: League 2nd (by goals(( ), CL 3rd
Level 10, Season 10: League 1st, CL 1st (undefeated with 13wins)
not at all, learn a new position, he has a new position. value don't change, qualité , star doesn't change
the same thing for specialiste ability
surprise question from a level 10 player
Palaiseau FC in Sever 46
season 28, level 28
(*) updated at 1-June-2015
competition Played 1st 2nd top4 last win current season(*) League 28 19 6 2 season 27 ..... Champions league 26 7 1 6 season 25 ........ Cup 26 2 2 3 season 7 .......
I know that its strange because i never learn them a new position and new specialiste!always i have players with positions which i need!but Thank you alot i will take this for future;-)
I have a related question. With any assigned skill point player's market value goes up 10k and it's more if he gains another star. But if you train SA or another position, what happens? Does his value go up or stays the same?
Ha - This is the point i keep making! - It costs 50 skill points to train a new position or special ability yet the players value stays the same. Which makes me wonder if special abilities work at all? - So to answer your question NO the players value does not increase.
Yes, it is better put a player out of position that teach him a New position.
A good faster trainer can gaine around 90 SP per season Making the Daily training, and without being injury, If you spend 50 in a New position he will not be able to keep is star to the next season, and the remaining SP probably will not be enought to recover the MV he lost in the beggining of the season, so you only lose.