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Thread: See Ratings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Sundsvall, Sweden

    See Ratings

    HOHOHO to all.

    I filled out an survey or what to call it. How a rated top11. Can I find this somewhere or was it just for the staff ?.

    They MUST do something with TM so u atleast have choice to play or not. Last season there was a real muppet i my serie.

    The chickensh*t sat up traininggames just before we should play the "real" game in the league so my guys was tired and some moral was lost and he played with his B-team so they had no problem to beat me in the second match.

    I cant really understand the reason for having it this way. I want to have a match request that I can answer yes or no to.

    I guess more people then me wrote abaout this so sorry. First time I wrote in the forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    100% agree ..... welcome to the forum.

    Nordeus needs to sort out the "friendly games".

    No use saying " we are fixing them ... trying out a new system for some servers" ...... THE REST OF US ARE STILL SUFFERING.

    The chosen route Nordeus has chosen will work, but ....... when it's not applied to everyone ... it doesn't.

    To my mind it would have been more simple to just have a button that says ..... "Accept friendlies / Reject friendlies" but then again I'm no programmer.

    Whatever's happening with these friendly games, it needs sorting for everyone. A.S.A.P. ...... is only fair.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    My server is one of the few that have this friendly fix, but before that I simply kept my friends list as small as possible. (Just enough to collect one of each gift). If you are adding just anyone to your list, you are just hurting yourself.
    九龍 UNITED
    Season 8 - Level 8
    X 7 X 2 X 5

  4. #4
    Dreamer duchao's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    sometimes not noticed, the default is agreed,
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