Hı friends; i am a newbie player of this game and this is my second season but sometimes there occurs something ı cannot understand. Now im gonna ask a question about one of them. In league cart, or player bidding screen there are some players that have infinitive tokens and line-up. For example i will show a player in my leage (2.season-league) and really wonder how one can collect such a token.
ıs not it strange? S/he is new player and very strange money (it seems buy with tokens) and line-up. I never blame/accuse any1 in private. And also i have censored some fields in this screenshots to not target this player. But i just want to understand how this can happen? I have only 2 tokens

Even can not watch a video nowadays. Some can tell s/he has bought with real money. To be honest it comes to me unbelieveble. Cause of this line-up and money (game money-25.1M) needs so many token. As i mentioned above, I am a newbie and has typed this subject to ask u. If there is something i missed plz let me know. Otherwise Nordeus must solve this tokents balance problem among the players.
PS: I have used a IP changer to check video disappear problem whether exist or not in other countries. In Chiago US; there was video section to gain some packs and i earned 9 red packs by watching then this menu disapper.. Now there is not possibility to watch any video in any countries. Somethimes i comes to screen and disappear in some Countries. I hope Nordeus solves this..