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Thread: How this happen?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    How this happen?

    Hı friends; i am a newbie player of this game and this is my second season but sometimes there occurs something ı cannot understand. Now im gonna ask a question about one of them. In league cart, or player bidding screen there are some players that have infinitive tokens and line-up. For example i will show a player in my leage (2.season-league) and really wonder how one can collect such a token.

    How this happen?-2.jpg
    How this happen?-22.png

    ıs not it strange? S/he is new player and very strange money (it seems buy with tokens) and line-up. I never blame/accuse any1 in private. And also i have censored some fields in this screenshots to not target this player. But i just want to understand how this can happen? I have only 2 tokens Even can not watch a video nowadays. Some can tell s/he has bought with real money. To be honest it comes to me unbelieveble. Cause of this line-up and money (game money-25.1M) needs so many token. As i mentioned above, I am a newbie and has typed this subject to ask u. If there is something i missed plz let me know. Otherwise Nordeus must solve this tokents balance problem among the players.

    PS: I have used a IP changer to check video disappear problem whether exist or not in other countries. In Chiago US; there was video section to gain some packs and i earned 9 red packs by watching then this menu disapper.. Now there is not possibility to watch any video in any countries. Somethimes i comes to screen and disappear in some Countries. I hope Nordeus solves this..
    Last edited by Kaan Unitek; 01-14-2014 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaan Unitek View Post
    Hı friends; i am a newbie player of this game and this is my second season but sometimes there occurs something ı cannot understand. Now im gonna ask a question about one of them. In league cart, or player bidding screen there are some players that have infinitive tokens and line-up. For example i will show a player in my leage (2.season-league) and really wonder how one can collect such a token.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2.jpg 
Views:	26 
Size:	68.3 KB 
ID:	18046
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	22.png 
Views:	20 
Size:	69.7 KB 
ID:	18047

    ıs not it strange? S/he is new player and very strange money (it seems buy with tokens) and line-up. I never blame/accuse any1 in private. And also i have censored some fields in this screenshots to not target this player. But i just want to understand how this can happen? I have only 2 tokens Even can not watch a video nowadays. Some can tell s/he has bought with real money. To be honest it comes to me unbelieveble. Cause of this line-up and money (game money-25.1M) needs so many token. As i mentioned above, I am a newbie and has typed this subject to ask u. If there is something i missed plz let me know. Otherwise Nordeus must solve this tokents balance problem among the players.

    PS: I have used a IP changer to check video disappear problem whether exist or not in other countries. In Chiago US; there was video section to gain some packs and i earned 9 red packs by watching then this menu disapper.. Now there is not possibility to watch any video in any countries. Somethimes i comes to screen and disappear in some Countries. I hope Nordeus solves this..

    He is a Token buyer .. and yes he buys so many T that can buy money and even train players all day long or even use personal trainer for them .. so its not unbelievble .. you will get used of that in highter levels .. my advice is to unfriend him bcuz you will have it in every league for sure but you may end up in same Cup or CL so that means no 1st places for you .. have a good time and GL this season