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Thread: Can't sell players, well I can't buy players! :mad: :mad:

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sergio De Souza View Post

    It's so frustrating, I built up around 17 tokens from last season, hoping to be able to purchase a young 5 star player. I backed out of my first one at round 10, deciding to give up and trying on my next auction but it now left me with 6 tokens, what the h@ll can I buy with 6 tokens!

    It's easy for these guys as they token farm or whatever, but it's so hard to purchase players with the tokens I receive during the season!

    The obvious answer is to purchase older players and a lower quality but then I suffer when it comes down to playing against a team with all scouted players which happens mostly in cup games and occasionally champions league games.

    Why can't we be given more tokens so that we can bid more vigorously in the market and compete with people who seem to have never ending tokens.

    it's very frustrating, i've sort of had enough and i'm loosing interest in the game, does anyone have any tips?
    Most Valuable TIP - QUIT THE GAME! go play something else. OR stop having any lofty expectations of this game, just go through the motions and play the best you can and save your tokens for a few seasons then quit after you make your team good, play a good illegal formation and put on hard tackle and just quit. people hate strong bots like that.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I understand that the first two weeks are hectic but even after this period is over it's still crazy, what's the point in getting a 5* player at this point anyway? for him to only be a weak 5* player during the next one. It's important to get these players now to compete in the cup and champions league, I suffered a bad season because of it!

    I know about knocking players off at the last second, but when It comes to bidding against those in that region, it's not even worth it! (my original post did include this but got taken down) the sad truth that nobody likes hearing I guess...

    Most Valuable TIP - QUIT THE GAME! go play something else. OR stop having any lofty expectations of this game, just go through the motions and play the best you can and save your tokens for a few seasons then quit after you make your team good, play a good illegal formation and put on hard tackle and just quit. people hate strong bots like that.

    All games have stupid rules, this game works for me, it's simple I don't have to check it 24/7 and I'm far from bored so why should I quit the game, my expectations are far from high and the issue I complain about is not an individual one, everyone seems to feel the same. It's just very frustrating, like i've said, that bidding is a joke, especially if those specific regional players are online, they also seem to be online all the time!

  3. #13
    Famous Skidz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Scarborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    The best way to get players is don't go for players who's skill is ending in a 4 or 9 , a lot of players fall into this trap and so get themselves into a bidding war because they all want a player near to another star promotion!, look at how many bidders there are, if there is many don't bid,. set yourself a limit so you don't over spend, better to leave the bidding than waste all your tokens on a lost bid, look to buy players in the LAST few days of the season as you get higher level mangers cast offs!.
    Your better waiting and saving for scouts, never bid on a player if there are bidders from asian countries they tend to have bottomles pits of tokens.
    x 17 x 5 x 1

    Double winners x 5 , Treble x 1 ...Perfect league wins 26/26 x 1 (L8).
    Every comment I make on this forum is based on my own experiences and so should be taken as such!.

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