If you think that buying tokens mean to be succesful you are so wrong. What I think is the form of your team as a hole. I have two teams one 35T and one lets say 1000T per season. You now what my 35T team is more succesful that my 1000T team. With both of my team Im level 5. My 35T team has win 4 legues, 1 treble and last season 2 place in CL. With my 35T team I always managed to came at least to 1/16 in CUP and CL. With my main team I was alwayas lose in 1 round of CUP. This year will be the same and I can do anything about that. With my 1000T team I was managed to win 4 legue and 2 CL. What I think is that NORDEUS get your team some hidden variables that determinate how well will your team perform in different competiton. So your CUP variable, CL variable and LEGUE variable has been very hige lately but now the time came when you will suffer like me some time because your team form is not so height. Why I now that. Let see what happent to my 1000T team. In the beggining I was thinking that the form of players determinate the outcome but not I change every player that got 5 but you now what. Other player that got 7-8 now get 5. And there is one thing the tactisc and that in this game mean a little more then nothing. In season 3 that my 35T team won treble I didnt change nothing in my team I played the same formation the hole season and I was beating the teams that was 5-10 Q better than me. But with my 1000T team I always lose with the team that is not more then 5Q behind me. But one thing I now when the game engine deside that my team will have those variables high I will most probably win some trebles
