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  • 1 Post By Sergio De Souza

Thread: Bidding without enough money

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Bidding without enough money

    Hi All,

    Can anyone shed any light on this? I was just involved in an auction (it's still ongoing) and one of the other player's bids is at 27m, however when you go onto his profile it says he has 18.1m available? How is this possible? I can only seem to bid up to the amount I have available?

    Bit annoying!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Real Maine Blues View Post
    One thing I've found odd is how people can bid when they haven't the cash, I know players can go into the red for seven days but whenever I've tried too it won't let me and just gives me the option to take a loan out?!...

    You can bid on multiple players at one time, let's say there's three players you want... and you have the amount of $$ for each if you only bought a singular guy, like they were 1.9M each and you have 2M bank... you can put a token on each, and let's just say you magically win all three.. boom, big debt. Without even going into a bidding war...

    This is what cat harrison said to the above question on my post.
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