I posted the comment below in the BBoTM Thread, but Im looking for validation, similar observations from other Managers or even Nordeus (as a surprise)
I see a MAJOR change (improvement) in the TM. To my last message on the subject - appears that the Auction Market is centered largely on 3* (Nordgen) players with the odd 5* showing up (either NordGen, Same level Manager Sale, L+2 Manager sale of their 2* active OR Academy rejects)
The Negotiation TM - now shows not only Scout-1Q, but also Scout-2Q & Scout-3Q for 5* players, L-1 (4*) Scout-1Q & 2Q and L-2 (3*) Scout-1Q players. HUGE improvement to the sellability of the players (at a cost of course)
Example - If your Scout Level is at 100
Auction list will center around 85Q to 89Q players with sprinkles of 90Q to 94Q and the odd 95Q to 97Q player
Negotiation list will have 99Q, 98Q, 97Q, 94Q, 93Q and 89Q players
Scout List will as usual have Golden Oldies with 100Q to 104Q players
Well done Nordeus - I hope this guess is true though and not specific to me or my server or the current situation. I gave you a lot of crap on the previous TM and I'm a fair guy to also give credit where it is deserved. Thank YOU for listening, and I still do wish you formally communicate on this front. Thats an area that can seriously improve - Communication!![]()