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Thread: False Looks

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Does it really matter .... I have won all the leagues and cl and a cup and I have used the same formation since the beginning .... The counter attack formation thing is bull**** ...... What u need to worry about is having a team with good quality and morale and good form. Even if u play the same team with the same formation and same everything, u can still win/lose depending on ur teams morale and quality ...... Some people just over think everything and mess up their chances

  2. #12
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hong Kong

    YO! Homey I play this formation all day long.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Myers View Post
    Do any of you setup your team in such a way as to give a false impression to your opponent just how you'll lineup for a game?? So in the build up to a game your team formation will be completely different to what it will be come kick off?? Then say five minutes before kick off you change it.

    Would this be of any benefit?? I've lately been befriended by teams I was due to play and I was inclined to line up my team in a random way so that if the opponent challenges me to a friendly it won't be a proper reflection of how my team will actually perform.
    YO! Homey I play this formation all day long.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails False  
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

  3. #13
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Hong Kong

    It's totally BOGUS, man

    Quote Originally Posted by Shahania Tihamiuddin View Post
    Does it really matter .... I have won all the leagues and cl and a cup and I have used the same formation since the beginning .... The counter attack formation thing is bull**** ...... What u need to worry about is having a team with good quality and morale and good form. Even if u play the same team with the same formation and same everything, u can still win/lose depending on ur teams morale and quality ...... Some people just over think everything and mess up their chances
    Yeah man that big long counters thing... is SO bogus, I wouldn't bother with it dude, it's totally BOGUS, man. It's so not cool to just type all those numbers like and stuff and make us follow like sheep, so he's win, so not worthy kinda creeps me out, why they would do that. So not cool.
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

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