you can read this
And most of Indos forum members know that 90% of my squad are nordegen
you can read this
And most of Indos forum members know that 90% of my squad are nordegen
Om jimmy kan memang langganan nordgen dia, sebaiknya cari di jam 10-2 siang krn saat itu banyak nordgen bermunculan, dan server juga tidak begitu ramai, kalo mau bersabar sebaiknya tunggu setelah hari ke 4-5..
Sorry for 'roaming' language lol
Better for looking nordgen at 10am-2pm in Indonesia, because the server not too crowded at that time..
And I prefer to buy any players in 4-5 days after the start of season to avoid bidding war..
Sepertinya agan audelion jarang ngubek2 sub forum Indo nih wkwkwk
Hahahaha,,,ane baru nyadar kalau agan jimmy orang indo. seringnya, ane beli pemain muda yang katanya fast trainer dari market valuenya yang diatas rata2, juga udah pernah baca artikel itu. sayangnya di hampir musim ke 3 ane mau berakhir, belum seberuntung agan Jimmy yang selalu dapet NordGen player. Kayaknya main feeling nich (^_^)v
Bukannya jarang gan, tapi responnya cepet di forum luar. apalagi ane termasuk newbie haus info n trik, wkwkwkwk
tapi makasih banyak lho atas nasehatnya, selain itu juga belajar memperlancar bahasa inggris ane disini juga wkwkwkwk (^_^)v
Oh Godness, I forgot that this is English forum, forgive for my Indonesian language, hahahahaha (^_^)v
If you use the iPhone (possibly the Android too) app to compare players you can see the $ value of the Academy player - it's a loophole they haven't shut yet.
here some info about this player, you can find them after server refreshes/ after daily maintenance
Why did you sign the 2 * player! To sell or to keep? Ie what level are you paying at.. 18 Day new youth,? 24 day new, 12 day new??
Can you afford 15T, so late in the season or not? Plus train to 10 Q by end of season ? 10Q higher , because that is what you can get next week.
Is there a position for this player to fill now or next season, with training or not??
Your main question.. Is he a fast trainer??!! Buy test and if not .....sell.. Again...can you afford 15T for player or converted to cash??