Is there any way we can tell prior to purchasing a scout player what he is going to be like?
I purchase 1 scout player per season, I save my tokens by watching videos, & at the start of every season I buy 1 Scout. I have had a few really great scouts, a couple of terrific strikers & an excellent defender, however, I have also bought a couple of real duds who not only do not perform, but do not progress. One MC 22yo scout I bought a couple of seasons back didn't even get to 6*s that season, was hopeless rating 5s most game giving away free kicks, so dreadful I had to sell him the next season.
I am now preparing to buy my scout for next season, have an AML/ML in mind, 22yo only 12 Skill points away from a 6*. I'd like to buy him now before he disappears from my list, I just have some concerns as to how he will perform.