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Thread: Looking for some advices

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Talking Looking for some advices

    Hey guys, i've just wanted somebody to help me to take the maximum of my team. I've got good players but sometimes not so good results, against really weaker teams. Sorry for my english .. So i would really appreciate it if somebody can help about the formation and stuff like this. Thank you!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Looking for some advices-moqotbor-2.jpg  

  2. #2
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    You have a nice team, but seems like you could have more choices if you got more Defense players, that 3 W at the back has let me down more than once.
    HULIANO and Qambu Yaasi like this.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  3. #3
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, California, United States
    I think you should play 3N in your defense Overall, nice team and may get you to QF of the CL
    Qambu Yaasi likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    You have a nice team, but seems like you could have more choices if you got more Defense players, that 3 W at the back has let me down more than once.
    I agree. You have a very ofensive line-up! That's great but if your oponent presses your defense you might get in trouble.
    Strange that you loose especialy against weaker teams. Do you pay any win-bonus in these matches?? If not maybe you should consider to pay bonuses for some games. I see a chance that you might motivate your "divas" to perform well even against teams that have lower quality. If you are already paying bonus... Put it to zero. They don't deserve the extra-cash.

  5. #5
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    Nice looking team. You probably need to get in two more defenders (I like to have at least 6 in my team) and maybe one more winger.

    This season I am playing 4-1-3W-2 and I think that would suit your team well. But if you really like playing offensive, a 3-5-2V would be excellent.

    Never really liked 3W at the back...not sure, maybe it just looks flimsy hahaha...
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T

  6. #6
    Dreamer Christian Christiansen's Avatar
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    I have always not liked that formation. Only 3 defeners at back...
    If your opponent has a counter attack he is very likely to score. Especially if his striker is a good dribbler.
    He beats one then another...
    I always stick with 4 defenders

    I will try to beat you with 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond Formation

  7. #7
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian Christiansen View Post
    I have always not liked that formation. Only 3 defeners at back...
    If your opponent has a counter attack he is very likely to score. Especially if his striker is a good dribbler.
    He beats one then another...
    I always stick with 4 defenders
    Last season, half my matches were 3-5-2V & half were 4-5-1V and rotating between those two formation served me well.

    To play 3 defenders you need very good defenders. I played 3 narrow at the back against 1 striker or sometimes against a weaker opponent, I've succeeded in playing 3 DCs vs 3 STs. Have to say that my strong defence last season has been key to winning the league.
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Thanks guys. You really helped a lot! I've changed it now i have 4 defenders. So it's like 4-3(W)-1-2, i've played like this 1 game i've beat a team just like mine 3:0. Then i've played with really weaker team than mine with this formation in the first half was 2:0, for the second half i've changed it to 4-2-2(W)-2 and i've scored 5 goals more. So what do you think about these formations? And yes my next step will be for a defender.
    Qambu Yaasi likes this.

  9. #9
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
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    4-4-2 Hexagon was an excellent choice! Solid formation if I may say so. Been using it for a few season before I experimented with my current & last year's formation.

    Anyway, a lot of managers seem to underestimate the effectiveness of 4-1-3W-2 or 4-3W-1-2. I'm beginning to like these. Last season I used 4-1-3W-2 for my experimental team and we lost out on the title by a point, but only conceded 5 goals. The team was slightly weaker from the majority in the league so I set them up defensively.
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T