well I am a patient man, but Thomas, when YOU continue to be unserious in negotiations.
then I will seriously block your 9+11 Tokens :o
Attachment 46461
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Attachment 46463
Printable View
well I am a patient man, but Thomas, when YOU continue to be unserious in negotiations.
then I will seriously block your 9+11 Tokens :o
Attachment 46461
Attachment 46462
Attachment 46463
One day, someone is going to call your bluff...
wtf, oppo pulled the shirt, yellow card, 4 days injury :mad:
my player, direct red card, for WHAT ???
Attachment 46466
The player x pulled player y's shirt, oh look, player y is injured happens too often (IRL happens almost never). It's about time Nordeus stopped it. The straight red must be some sort serious foul - two-footed tackle, professional foul. What does 'improperly stopped' mean exactly?
God d4mn it! last time i did it... got only weaker friends (i knew it friends are first priority)... now i have similar strong teams in my new level and good to know the drawing system working as intended (not :rolleyes:)
I want treble and i will never get there!
still get it... spend real money and buy tokens... :rolleyes:
btw my cup and CL beatable of course for first sight until i get troll results :rolleyes:
I'm trialling this new dynamic highlights but now can't buy any tokens! Anyone else having the same issue?
I finally can file such a complaint. Both my teams have players almost injured immediately after entering the pitch.
L23 Team
Attachment 46482
L15 Team
Attachment 46483
and you want compare players in real life whit players in one computer program??? lol it´s similar only in your mind :p
TROLL results are STUPID, because is just NORDEUS helping some players and saying to other´s "buzzoff", is NORDEUS deciding who won and when and not tactics, team quality etc etc, is this what?? corruption in Top Eleven like in real life?? we have one Joseph Blatter here too? ohhh noooo is Blatter the owner of Nordeus??????
Yeah looks like the new season drawing similar to cup drawing system :rolleyes:
almost every friend got near Q as him/herself... what a shame... until your friend can win a trophy with a 30ish Q, u struggling with mid 40ish at "next door" :rolleyes: (talking about lev5)
this is bullsh0t :(
edit: until you get SAME looking trophy its not fair... and when you click on oppo's trophy room and you noticing he was 2nd last year... you tell urself: ohh just 2nd??? lame... but u dont know HOW strong competition he had.... etc... its not fair again... i'm still campaigning and kindly asking for a rebalanced drawing system from Nordeus (like pot strength system)
but... until you buying tokens... everything is fine :rolleyes:
honestly you taking piss with injuries
1st up replaced injured midfielder only for sub to get injured in champions league so two of my MC`s out
2nd league game and my last decent MC get`s injured ??
well you can shove the red packs were the Sun don`t shine ( Nordeus )
Attachment 46523
Not again the same thing - an injury after shirt pulling (3 times in a game)
Attachment 46718
3 days injury (almost 1 month in real football) after this :mad:
After the game, I got lv3 "gentleman" achvm and my oppo "shirt pulling" achvm.
Attachment 46719
This thing happened again before two days - post #563, page 57 of this thread
so now I 'm searching for a new premium shirt for my team ...
something like this :p
Attachment 46720
At the beginning of the day today I had 6 injured players. Tonight, 1 healed naturally, 1 I healed w packs. In the game that followed, the guy I JUST healed was injured AGAIN...FOR 19 DAYS!!!! 19 DAYS!
so bitter.
maybe an ankle...
Three injuries in the same game, what a joke :mad:
Attachment 47016
Attachment 47017
broken programming :pQuote:
Broken leg?
Ok, normally I like this great game, but give me 6 injuries in two days and you 'the machine' is really testing my good spirit :(
Attachment 47060
yeah even my team has a couple injuries last two days
Rather grab-Shirt
result: 3 days injured!!!!
what the hell is this!!!
Incredible... every new version of this game is worse than previous. Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Cat. "Arrow to the Knee" or "Sniper in the Stands" :( Once had a team......
iirc at one point it had 5 strikers and 4 were injured. Buy 1, play 1 = injured rinse and repeat. Was the worst injury season I ever had on any team.....12 seasons ago.
EDIT: searched out the thread. sporny got up to 1 injury per day for the season. My count was 17 in 14 days then it stopped, no idea what it ended up as, stopped counting. :(
We need another achievement: I bid on a player in the transfer market and T11 didn't let me submit a bid in the first knockout round with 3 seconds to go.
The high gambler reward?
Attachment 47102
Just went back and looked...
I've played 20 (non-friendly) games this season. Of those games, my team has suffered 11 injuries.
Either the "simulation" is a bit off...or I have snipers in the stands. :mad:
I surely had a sniper in that game.
After the first injury, I sub my ST (I had two) and in the time of changing the sniper hit my other ST :mad:
Attachment 47123
A friend had a worst scenario
After the sub of three players in last minutes, the game injured another player so he played with 10 in extra time :eek:
Attachment 47124
So. beware of the snipers ;)
Attachment 47125
Today madness: 5 injuries... and behold my CL match :rolleyes:
okok of course i had 100 packs again... HAD IT
Attachment 47138
ooh btw the funny part i was playing 1-1 draw at home... superlame :D
f!@# u game
how one have 7.92 take player by 8.65
i lost 12 gold
u idiots
and i wont talk about results of matches and how u decide who won or lose b4 match start even
and injuries and and ..........
u suckes and u will lose who playing u with that ****
f!@# u game and f!@# to stubides who designed it
my fresh 18yo, MC, 2 feeter 50Q (7star to me) Corner guy got ANOTHER injury today in cup AGAIN... wait a sec... he had 2 injuries yesterday...
dont dare to play the evening league match with him :rolleyes: comeooooon Nordeus!
Attachment 47248Attachment 47249
sometimes i just want to quit this game. i happening all the time where i lose to low star team. paid almost $500m and about 50 tokens to buy these set of player and only to keep losing to these low star teams. just fed off
Change the name of the game from TOP-11 to TOKEN-11
Token 11 is the best game
Can I just ask, without wanting to come across as being funny or patronising, but the players who are always complaining of injuries, do you hard train your players. I get very few injuries but then again I do not train my players very much. Just the occassional friendly to gain morale boosters and money, but then again not every day. What I am really asking is that is there a correlation between training and injuries.
I do take injuries while power training, but I do use hard training and don't pump green packs into them until the bar goes orange (sub 40%).
However, during matches I take far more injuries than my opponents. The ratio so far this season is 5:2 (10 to 4 total from matches). My starters are all 6* and above with max condition and superb morale for all matches. It hasn't made much difference with the injuries, and several of those dropping aren't immediately following a day of power training.
I've also used hard tackling on all my matches both this season and last. From all matches (including friendlies) opponents have suffered just 7 injuries (roughly 75 matches), while I've suffered 19. In my opinion, there is something fishy with the injuries in this game.