I should have expected today's result. After yesterday's weak performance, we had a total breakdown. We switched to a recommended 4-3N-2-1 formation and got beaten even more badly. While I tried subbing out a player with a YC, he picked up a second yellow, which completely screwed with the system. I was seeing the subbed-on player, in a proper formation, even as we were a man down. That in turn screwed up my subs and it left me in an illegal formation, which I couldn't fix, because I kept losing my connection to the server. That led to another player being sent off for a 2nd yellow, and we got hammered, 3-0.
I'm giving up on the Cup. I skill up the players, get them to perfect Morale/Conditioning, offer them extra Bonus money, receive support from multiple friends - while my opponent and his friends stay away - and I get a **** show. Days like today make me think about giving this BS up altogether.
FWIW, I never get paired with a team on a lower level. It's always same level or higher. Most of those teams are made up of very strong starting IX with a bench full of 1-2* players who bring the team rating down.