Nzeodira FC
Manager level 7
league winner 4(lvl 1, lvl 2, lvl 3, lvl 4) level5- 7th, level 6-2nd, lost the league on goal difference.
Cup runner up-level 2 and lvl 4
CL winner- 2. runner up level 3.
My best season comes in my level 3 when I go the hole season unbeaten with just one 3:3 draw. won the league with 76 points and 25 points gap to the 2nd place, scored 127 goal, conceded 9, goal difference 118.
2nd in champions league and 3rd in Cup.
Then my worst season is lvl5 when I come 7th in the league, crashing out from Cup in the playoff, then beaten 4:0 both home and away in round of 16 champions league, missing out on Champions league the next season as a result of my league position and conceding 41 goals in the league, scoring just 49 goals the hole season and so many of my players encountering injury one after the order.
so what's your own best and worst season so far............