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Thread: WOW! It getting tough already!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    WOW! It getting tough already!

    Hey guys,
    Firstly Thanks to everyone who helped me though out my first season. I am Lvl 2 now "Yay".

    So, what's the first thing I noticed that got harder? It's to buy those free transfer(FT) players. It used to be so much easier in lvl 1. I generally used to get them in 1 tokens. In the end, I made a total profit of 4 million just by selling those free transfers as soon as i upgrade them from 3 star to 4 star. But now, just a moment ago I was following a FT player, people were bidding hardcore, it went to round 6, is this normal?.

    Also, before I finish this post, I was wondering if you guys could give me some tips for my second season.
    For this season my teams's current budget is 5.4 million, and average quality is 18.6. I currently have 16 players and 7 tokens. And similar to last season, one restriction is that "I will NOT buy any tokens."

    Thank you in advance, I have attached the link to the picture of my first season below this line.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails WOW! It getting tough already!-10259984_10201715304339615_5031962810676063277_n.jpg   WOW! It getting tough already!-10341444_10201715300139510_2863901682019639477_n.jpg  
    Last edited by navyben; 05-04-2014 at 06:51 AM. Reason: Wanted to put 1 more picture

  2. #2
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by navyben View Post
    Hey guys,
    Firstly Thanks to everyone who helped me though out my first season. I am Lvl 2 now "Yay".

    So, what's the first thing I noticed that got harder? It's to buy those free transfer(FT) players. It used to be so much easier in lvl 1. I generally used to get them in 1 tokens. In the end, I made a total profit of 4 million just by selling those free transfers as soon as i upgrade them from 3 star to 4 star. But now, just a moment ago I was following a FT player, people were bidding hardcore, it went to round 6, is this normal?.
    First time I saw a free agent, it was level 2 and it went up to 22 rounds. Once I bought one, 6 harsh rounds, some 10 tokens. That's because we all think alike.

    Quote Originally Posted by navyben View Post
    Also, before I finish this post, I was wondering if you guys could give me some tips for my second season.
    For this season my teams's current budget is 5.4 million, and average quality is 18.6. I currently have 16 players and 7 tokens. And similar to last season, one restriction is that "I will NOT buy any tokens."

    Thank you in advance, I have attached the link to the picture of my first season below this line.
    Very good, you did well. It's very rare to win on Level 1.

    Well, my advice is... try to get some tokens from videos or promotions. You'll be very lucky if you can buy 2 or 3 players with 7 tokens. Most of the times you spend that amount on one. Actually one player for 7 tokens is not a bad deal at all. You'll surely need many new players. So... good luck!!
    Last edited by Celtic; 05-04-2014 at 07:09 AM.
    navyben and July Fourth like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Mhm, I must disagree...
    On level 2 I dont think it is necessary to spend so many tokens per player!

    I am level 3 now, so I played level 2 last season and I bought many decent players for 1-3 tokens!
    The key is: Patience! If you see heavy bidding action, just skip this player and move on to the next player with potential on your list.

    People do love the FA players. Especially the ones worth 800k or >1M! So dont bet on them and save your tokens for other players...

    That is my opinion on the topic...

    Greetings, Lux
    navyben likes this.